New service at Maison Michel-Sarrazin

New service at Maison Michel-Sarrazin
New service at Maison Michel-Sarrazin

Maison Michel-Sarrazin is launching its integrated outpatient palliative care clinic project this Monday, September 30, 2024.

Philippe Moussette

The outpatient clinic will support people with cancer and their loved ones during the palliative phase of the disease. The team will be made up of clinical nurses, pharmacists and doctors. She will walk with patients and those around them when they have questions about the evolution of the disease. Care may be offered in the face of certain specific situations or complications. These interventions will be made with respect for each person’s values ​​and preferences.

These services will be available foris sick from the greater region of Quebec. Health professionals from across Quebec will be able to benefit from opinions, as well as consultations by videoconference.

Additional services will be available on site by the Multidisciplinary Service team as well as the Maison Michel-Sarrazin team.

The Integrated outpatient care clinicpalliatives is a project of Maison Michel-Sarrazin which concretizes its involvement in the community.

The Michel-Sarrazin House

The Michel-Sarrazin House is a palliative and end-of-life care centerfor purpose non-profit, approved by Accreditation Canada. The House is recognized by the Quebec government as a palliative and end-of-life care center with a supraregional vocation, with a mission of care, research, and teaching.

Founded in 1985, Maison Michel-Sarrazin welcomes 16 sick people with terminal cancer. It is dedicated to improving the quality of life of these people and their loved ones as well as to supporting them through the Bereavement Service.

In addition, she accompanies her Bonenfant-Dionne day centerpeople with cancer in the palliative phase who remain at home. The House also supports caregivers through Integrated respite and support services.

Care and services are offered free of charge.

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