“I’m a cardiologist and this is the only heart-healthy ingredient to add to your coffee every morning”

Appreciated around the world, this drink is often unanimous. However, among children it is often unloved. Sip on the terrace in summer, enjoy to warm up in front of the fireplace in winter… Expresso, cappuccino, long, ristretto, hot, smoothie, iced… There are many ways to drink coffee. However, it is associated with many health problems: high blood pressurepalpitations, tachycardia, anxiety, agitation…

However, a study carried out by ObSoCo for MaxiCoffee and reported by TF1 reveals that 7 out of 10 French people consume coffee daily. But, is it really good for your health? According to this survey, 41% of French people drink it several times a day. So what would you say about adding a mystery ingredient to this miracle drink? According to a cardiologist, the addition of the latter would be excellent for health. Indeed, this ingredient to add to your generous coffee could be perfect for the heart.

Coffee is ideal to start the day and stay productive during periods of severe fatigue

A unique taste and stimulating effects. Coffee is present in all kitchens and on all terraces. It is ideal for starting the day and staying productive during periods of extreme fatigue. Remember that coffee is the substance
the most consumed on the planet. This study presented at the annual congress of the European Society of Cardiology explains that “consume three cups of coffee, or 200 to 300 milligrams of caffeine, per day” would be good for health, according to the cardiologist. It might even reduce your chances of developing heart disease or stroke.

In addition, the study also shows that drinking coffee regularly would reduce 48% the risk of developing diseases that would damage the heart. Coffee lovers who will be delighted… Results to be taken with hindsight according to the study which reminds us that this consumption must remain moderate. Without forgetting that it must be at the heart of a healthy, daily diet. And, the coffee is not always delicious. “Unfortunately, sometimes, we have to settle for mediocre coffee to get his comforting dose”reports a person in the TF1 report.

crédit photo : Shutterstock
Coffee beans

Sugar, syrup, milk… What is this mystery ingredient to add to coffee?

What is this mystery ingredient? Sugar, syrup, milk… In the columns of Well&Good, a cardiologist reveals to us the nature of this secret ingredient to add to this tasty coffee. Verdict? It’s cocoa. “Like coffee beans, cocoa powder contains
flavanolswhich have anti-inflammatory effects, relax blood vessels and improve blood pressure control.
blood sugar“,
says Dr. Bart.

What is it about? THE flavanols are compounds found in many plants (apples, berries, plums, tea, etc.). They are part of the family of flavonoidswhich are very powerful antioxidants.

crédit photo : Shutterstock
Cup of coffee

What are the benefits of this mystery ingredient?

Improve blood circulation, antioxidants… THE flavanols are perfect because they allow a real positive impact on the
heart health. According to the cardiologist, you should choose raw, unsweetened cocoa powder. In addition, you must be be careful about proportions.

<p>Cocoa powder</p> <p>” width=”680″ height=”383″/></p></div> <p id= crédit photo : Shutterstock
Cocoa powder

Indeed, don’t be too generous, small quantity is enough. Do not add dairy products that are too high in fat. Also do not add syrup or sugar which creates a spike in blood sugar, which is bad for the body.
blood pressure. Also avoid artificial syrups and sweeteners as they are often



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