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THE EYE IN THE LENS The news of the week in pictures

Every Saturday, at noon, Objectif invites you to take a look back and look back in pictures at the news of the past week.

Coralie Mollaret

VIDOURLE A third €70 million plan to fight against flooding. This Thursday, on the border between Gard and Hérault, political and administrative leaders signed PAPI 3. A vast €70 million plan, allowing work to be carried out to limit the damage caused by flooding.

The Soubeiran residences in Saint-Jean-du-Gard, Rollin d’Anduze and Oustaou du Vigan were represented in the event • François Desmeures

SAINT-JEAN-DU-GARD The elderly sector is expressing its difficulties and calling for a law. At the national call of the federation of associations of directors of establishments and services for the elderly, a demonstration brought together around fifty people on Tuesday morning to make the major difficulties of the sector heard. Families, volunteers, residents and managers of three establishments met on the Saint-Jean-du-Gard market, for the third year, to voice their difficulties and demand a law for old people.

The large trimarans have invaded the port • Photo Yannick Pons

LE GRAU-DU-ROI Oceans in the Mediterranean: the large trimarans take to the track. This Thursday, September 26, marked the entry onto the track of the Ocean Fifty trimarans, giants of the Mediterranean. The start of the Med Max will be given this Sunday in the bay of Aigues-Mortes. Yesterday, we were able to notice the differences in speed between the boats during the Class40 prologue, even if some did not reveal all their resources. At the Race Village, the activities continue after the presentation of the crews which took place at the end of the afternoon

In all sizes, all colors and with various hanging systems, these bras embody the launch of Pink October in Alès. • Louis Valat

ALÈS When bras take to the air for Pink October. For the second year in a row, a ceiling of bras is taking place on the Pont Neuf d’Alès, which kicks off Pink October. This month dedicated to breast cancer awareness and prevention is an opportunity for the inhabitants of Alès to take part in collective action.



PREV Sanlam launches a franchise buyback guarantee, a first in Morocco –
NEXT Romano Prodi: “Democracy is in danger, it runs significant risks” –