Rupt-sur- – 24 files to the municipal council on Monday September 30, 2024

Rupt-sur- – 24 files to the municipal council on Monday September 30, 2024
Rupt-sur-Moselle – 24 files to the municipal council on Monday September 30, 2024

The next meeting of the municipal council will take place Monday September 30, 2024 at 8:00 p.m. in the town hall.


The next meeting of the municipal council will take place Monday September 30, 2024 at 8:00 p.m. in the town hall.


Approval from the Municipal Council on JUNE 10, 2024.

Modifying decision no. 2 to the Main Budget.

List of expenses to be charged to 623 Advertising, publications, public relations.

Business property tax – Exemption for establishments belonging to companies which benefit from the exemption provided for in article 44 quindecies A in a Ruralités Revitalization zone.

Property taxes on built properties – Exemption for buildings located in the France Ruralités Revitalization zone attached to an establishment meeting the conditions required to benefit from the exemption from property taxes for businesses provided for in article 1466 G of the General Tax Code.

Creation of a Subdivision Annex Budget.

Subdivision Budget – Vote for the 2024 Primary Budget – Implementation of the fungibility of credits in the operating and investment section.

Authorization to sign a maintenance contract for three-color light signaling equipment.

Acquisition of the plot of land AZ 240 Lieu-dit Les Chênes.

Acquisition of the plot of land AZ 242 Lieu-dit Les Chênes.

Opinion on the extension of the scope of intervention of the Departmental Non-Collective Sanitation Union by the membership of two new municipalities.

Payment of a service for intervention on the Municipalities table.

Coverage of costs inherent to the Bennevise cemetery.

2024 Grants to Associations.

Financial participation of the Community in the “foresight” risk.

Statutory Risk Insurance Contracts 2025 – 2028.

Authorization to sign an agreement with the Vosges Management Center for training on professional interviews.

Membership in the Digital Work Space for primary schools.

Subsidy request from the Vosges Departmental Council.

Vehicle transfer – Sale of the Coltrax mini excavator.

Opinion of the Municipal Council on the public inquiry relating to a request for renewal of environmental authorization presented by the Société de Béton Industriel (SBI) for the operation of a quarry located in the commune of Rupt-sur-, as well as to extend the scope of this career.

Request for subsidies rue Forel.

Authorizations for acquisitions, works and studies.

Request for grants Geothermal feasibility study.

Adoption of the report on the price and quality of public drinking water and sanitation services 2023.

Report from the executive on the use of its delegations.

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