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Switzerland-EU: a future to preserve, a withdrawal to avoid

Switzerland-EU: a future to preserve, a withdrawal to avoid
Switzerland-EU: a future to preserve, a withdrawal to avoid

For 25 years, bilateral agreements between Switzerland and the European Union have been the engine of our prosperity. They have given us access to the single market, helped attract talent and strengthened key sectors such as research and innovation. But today, these agreements must be modernized. Without this revision, they risk becoming obsolete and harming our competitiveness. The Bilateral III, being negotiated between Bern and Brussels, is not a disguised step towards EU membership, but a necessary update. If we do not act, up to 60% of our exporting companies could lose access to the European market by 2026, putting thousands of jobs at risk. The exclusion of medtechs from the European market since 2021 is a clear warning. Other essential sectors, such as food security or energy, require new partnerships. Protecting the bilateral path means guaranteeing stability and growth.


Meanwhile, the SVP’s “sustainability” initiative, which proposes limiting immigration if the population reaches 10 million by 2050, offers a misleading response to real problems. By targeting the free movement of people, it endangers all bilateral agreements without resolving the challenges: the shortage of housing, pressure on infrastructure and better use of local labor potential. Across the Channel, Brexit, far from slowing down immigration, has worsened it, while precipitating a collapse in growth. Do the Swiss really want to risk such a scenario?

Rather than cutting our vital links with Europe, it is time to adopt concrete and pragmatic solutions. We need to invest in our infrastructure, build more housing and better utilize the indigenous workforce potential. Terminating free movement would jeopardize our hospitals, our industries and our businesses, which would lack qualified personnel, with direct repercussions on our daily lives.

Bilateral III is an intelligent compromise: it preserves our access to the single market while protecting our sovereignty. The status quo is no longer tenable; modernizing these agreements is essential to secure our future. Supporting the bilateral path means choosing stability for Switzerland. Refusing isolation and maintaining good relations with our neighbors guarantees our future prosperity.

Article published in the September 24, 2024 edition of La Région




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