“We must clarify the political alliances of the left”, the current deputy for the 8th constituency of Haute-Garonne makes his political comeback

“We must clarify the political alliances of the left”, the current deputy for the 8th constituency of Haute-Garonne makes his political comeback
“We must clarify the political alliances of the left”, the current deputy for the 8th constituency of Haute-Garonne makes his political comeback

the essential
A few days before returning to to attend Prime Minister Michel Barnier’s speech on October 1, Joël Aviragnet assures him that there needs to be a “rapid clarification of the policy of the left-wing parties”.

It’s back to school for schoolchildren but also for MPs. Joël Aviragnet, re-elected last July in the eighth constituency of the department, is ready to get back to work.” The legislative elections proved that the left could unite against the RN. Only in our current climate we must clarify the political alliances of the left” assures Joël Aviragnet, deputy for the 8th constituency of Haute-Garonne. An essential clarification for the deputy who is committed to bringing three major axes to the national assembly. “We must continue to work on the defense of pensions, purchasing power, and above all respect for the work of those who get up early, artisans, medical assistants, farmers, and many others. We need decent salaries, decent pensions and for that I am ready to fight.”
And when we ask the MP about the population’s distrust of politicians, he can only respond: “We see it on the ground, there were elections, then a government which was not named and at ultimately a president who does not choose the candidates voted for by the people. We feel anger from the population.”
And to highlight the anger of voters, the PS member states: “A motion of censure against the current Prime Minister will be presented by the PS and I will sign it.”
The deputy in action
What about actions in his constituency? “We must provide concrete responses to the needs of the population, so I will continue to act against the medical desertification of rural areas by working on the social security financing law which is essential in our fight.” Locally, Joël Aviragnet and his deputy Loïc Gojard began a tour of town halls in the area. “To know the needs of the population, we must confront them, through meetings, but also café debates or even the organization of the fraternity party next November.” A successful return to school for Joël Aviragnet who hopes that within a few weeks a congress of the Socialist Party: “Such a congress would allow us to establish solid bases for left-wing politics. I am waiting for such a meeting to clarify this situation which remains unclear”.



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