At nightfall, 60 lit structures light up in this animal park in Morbihan

At nightfall, 60 lit structures light up in this animal park in Morbihan
At nightfall, 60 lit structures light up in this animal park in Morbihan


Morbihan Editorial

Published on

September 27, 2024 at 7:00 a.m.

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For the second year, the animal park The Lands of Nataé in Pont-Scorff, in the Morbihanwill light up at nightfall from October 17, 2024. The opportunity to discover the zoo from a new angle at nightfall.

Success for the first edition

After having seduced more than 40,000 visitors during the first edition, the Animals of Light festival returns in 2024 for a new nighttime stroll among illuminated animals.

Animal park zoo Les Terres de Nataé – light festival Les Animaux de Lumière ©Ronan Houssin / Actu Morbihan

“In keeping with its purpose of protecting endangered species, this festival highlights many species from the past,” explain the zoo teams when presenting the 2024 theme: From extinct species to endangered species. .

A journey of illuminated structures

For this second edition of the Animaux de Lumière festival, more than 60 illuminated structures representing numerous animal and floral species will be discovered on a 100% unique route of nearly 1.5 km. These structures measure “from 10 meters long to more than 5 meters high”, it is specified.

Videos: currently on Actu

It is with pride and enthusiasm that we launch this second exclusive edition in

Sébastien Musset, CEO of Terres de Nataé

Visitors will be able to enjoy the illuminations from 6 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. until January 5, 2025.

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