Driving without a license under the influence of nitrous oxide and urban rodeos, minors arrested

Driving without a license under the influence of nitrous oxide and urban rodeos, minors arrested
Driving without a license under the influence of nitrous oxide and urban rodeos, minors arrested


Jean-Marc Aubert

Published on

September 23, 2024 at 9:30 p.m.

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THE municipal police officers are more present than ever in neighborhoods where the feeling of insecurity is high, such as in the Saint-Martin estate and in Tournezy to suppress urban rodeos and reckless drivers, who put residents at risk.

So, this weekend in rue Jean Vachet, near the Saint-Martin tower, police officers on patrol came across a driver who was consuming nitrous oxide canisters at the wheel, with a passenger. As an aggravating circumstance, the driver did not have a driving license. And his arrest degenerated, because the passenger rebelled.

Municipal agents who were well inspired and who understood why the duo put up resistance: a large sum of money and narcotics, the quantity of which has not been revealed, were discovered in the vehicle. Both were handed over to the Local Judicial Police Service -Slpj- at the central police station and the car was impounded.

A few days earlier, still in the Saint-Martin district, the agents of the urban supervision center -CSU- spotted young individuals perched one after the other on a motocross bike and engaging in urban rodeo. A patrol of bikers The municipal police quickly arrived on the scene and intercepted the suspects.

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It turned out that the vehicle was not approved and that its owner was not wearing the mandatory protective helmet. This minor was fined, while the two-wheeler was confiscated and impounded. It will not be returned without a judgment.

Finally, in the neighboring district of Tournezy, exactly rue Chanoine Bessède, the municipal police motorcycle brigade also intervened after reports from local residents complaining about urban rodeos, including young people riding on the back wheel. A teenager stopped on an unapproved motocross bike tried to flee, but he was carefully intercepted. Direction the national police and his motorcycle to the pound.

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