Road markings are causing traffic jams on the E411 this Thursday morning: however, the work will not start until… tomorrow

Road markings are causing traffic jams on the E411 this Thursday morning: however, the work will not start until… tomorrow
Road markings are causing traffic jams on the E411 this Thursday morning: however, the work will not start until… tomorrow

Slight hiccup on the E411 today: new markings have appeared in the Namur-Brussels direction, near Wavre. The problem is that they concern works that will not start until tomorrow. Result: this signage a a little early, sowed confusion on the spot.

A yellow marking to indicate a lane to follow on the motorway, nothing abnormal during a construction site. But when there is no work, the lane leads to nothing. This morning, this non-compliant marking disrupted motorists.

“Last night, the company responsible for installing this signage did not follow the instructions given to it, since it created a diversion that was not supposed to appear until tonight, which caused a lot of confusion this morning.“, explains Héloise Winandy, spokesperson for Sofico.

No accidents to report but some collisions were to be deplored. Once informed, the project owner, SOFICO, sent a team to secure the area.During the day, we first placed signs indicating that the signage was not compliant. Subsequently, the teams locally removed a strip at the level of this diversion precisely to prevent users from mistakenly using this diversion.“, continues the spokesperson.

A 24-hour error because this work, which aims to build an acceleration-deceleration lane between two interchanges, will begin as planned tomorrow. Motorists will therefore have to follow the markings carefully.

e411 Namur Brussels motorway



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