Eight new priority districts in Essonne

A new city contract called “Commitment neighborhoods 2030” was signed in June between six towns in Essonne, the prefecture, the family allowance fund and social landlords. It aims to improve the lives of more than 35,000 residents of eight priority neighborhoods in the Val d’ Val de Seine conurbation. “The objective of the city’s political districts [QPV] is to promote equality of opportunity. Last year, we were asked to redefine the geography of priority neighborhoods to ensure that there had been no notable changes over the last ten years,” says Alain Castanier, prefect delegate for equality. chances. In 2023, the department had 39 political districts of the city for 23 municipalities. On December 28, 2023, at the end of the revision work, it increased to 47 QPVs in 26 municipalities. For the prefecture, this increase is proportional to the demographic increase in Essonne, which has welcomed 100,000 additional people in ten years.

Emancipation for all

For almost six months, work was carried out by the city, institutional and associative partners, and residents. Several areas of development have been defined. The first consists of promoting the emancipation of all and includes education, the integration of young people, access to the law, access to health, etc. The second concerns the improvement of the living environment and the participation of residents, with urban renovation programs and social development actions. The third axis consists of strengthening the employment dynamic in the neighborhoods, with the aim of developing entrepreneurship and the professional integration of 16-30 year olds, relying in particular on the regional integration program of the youth, the PRIJ. Finally, it is about preserving the climate of security and promoting citizenship. In total, 1.1 million euros will be invested in shares.

A significant portion of the subsidies relate to educational success programs

A significant portion of the subsidies relate to educational success programs, of which there are five. A multidisciplinary team meets regularly to study the situation of children experiencing academic difficulties. An agreement is signed with the municipality which carries the educational success program. The prefecture finances the actions it carries out, as well as the two positions of coordinator and referent.

This city contract complements other measures supported by the State. Épinay-sous-Sénart and Vigneux-sur-Seine welcome an “educational city”, the Cinéastes district in Épinay-sous-Sénart deploys the “territory of zero long-term unemployment” system.

A. T.



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