SENEGAL-COLLECTIVITE / Touba: A group of economic operators release an envelope of 250 million FCFA for flood victims – Senegalese press agency

Touba, September 27 (APS) – A group of Senegalese economic operators handed over, Friday, in Touba (center), an envelope of 250 million CFA francs to the Caliph General of the Mourides, Serigne Mountakha Mbacké, to help the victims floods recorded in the religious city, noted the APS.
“Thanks to the mobilization of these dedicated businessmen, we mobilized in a few days 250 million CFA francs to respond to the call for solidarity from the Caliph General of the Mourides following the floods, with their share of disaster, which hit Touba,” declared today’s spokesperson, Mbaye Sarr.
He spoke in front of the Caliph Serigne Mountakha Mbacké, in the presence of his spokesperson Serigne Bassirou Abdou Khadre Mbacké and dignitaries from the religious city of Touba.
Before being economic operations, added Mbaye Sarrt, we are first and foremost disciples of Cheikh Ahmadou Bamba Mbacké (1853-1927), founder of the Mouride brotherhood.
He indicated that this gesture supports the initiatives of Serigne Mountakha, state authorities and goodwill, for the benefit of flood victims in Touba.
Speaking, the spokesperson for the Caliph General of the Mourides, Serigne Bassirou Abdou Khadre Mbacké, recalled that these benefactors are not their first gesture in Touba, since they have contributed in the most beautiful way to the construction of the Cheikh Ahmadoul Khadim Complex for Education and Training (CCAK-EF).
Serigne Mountakha Mbacké magnified the highly humanitarian gesture of these economic operations before praying for them.
A few days ago, heavy rains caused the death of four people in Touba and caused material damage.
Several houses were invaded by rainwater in many areas of Touba which are facing flooding.




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