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Spain welcomes Morocco’s action against illegal migration

Spain welcomes Morocco’s action against illegal migration
Spain welcomes Morocco’s action against illegal migration

The numerous attempts of illegal crossing from Morocco to Spain in recent hours through the border crossings of Ceuta and Melilla, particularly in the enclave of Ceuta, have been effectively stopped by the security forces of the North African country. before they are carried out.

The Spanish government, through the Minister of Foreign Affairs, José Manuel Albares, has positively assessed the action of the Moroccan police to contain the large wave of illegal migrants, which has particularly affected the Ceuta border.

The Spanish Foreign Minister thus opposed the criticisms of the Spanish right and urged the opposition deputies to “recognize the work carried out by the Moroccan security forces” to contain all attempts to illegally cross the borders between Spain and Morocco, both by sea and land.

The Fnideq border post in Morocco with the Spanish enclave of Ceuta (in the background) – AFP/FADEL SENNA

The Spanish minister particularly highlighted Morocco’s collaboration with Spanish security forces “when it comes to protecting the border of Ceuta and Melilla.”

José Manuel Albares praised Spain’s security cooperation with countries such as Mauritania, Senegal and Gambia, as well as with Morocco, and increased efforts in development cooperation.

For his part, Morocco has long stressed that its approach to migration includes efforts to preserve internal security and stability, insisting that it is interested in “shared responsibility cooperation.” rather than through cooperation in which he would be expected to act as a kind of policeman for Europe.

Security cooperation between Spain and Morocco has always been strong and has recently demonstrated its extraordinary strength. Border control is essential to prevent illegal immigration and possible problems arising from migratory pressure, especially in terms of security, both of the countries and, above all, of the illegal immigrants themselves, who risk their lives in most cases to reach Spanish and European territory, fleeing difficult living conditions and even repression in their countries of origin, especially in Africa. These people are exploited by various criminal gangs involved in illegal human trafficking.

The excellent diplomatic relations that currently exist between Morocco and Spain, favored by the recognition by the Spanish government of the Kingdom’s proposal for broad autonomy under Moroccan sovereignty in Western Sahara as the “most serious, credible and realistic” way to resolve the Sahrawi dispute, further strengthen collaboration on security and migration issues between two countries considered neighbors and allies.



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