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Morocco-Qatar: A rich autumn program for the Moroccan cultural year

The “Years of Culture” initiative has announced the launch of the fall program for the “Qatar-Morocco 2024” cultural year, highlighting a diversity of cultural and artistic events. Exhibitions, cinema, music, conferences and festivals are on the agenda, celebrating the rich heritage and exchanges between the two nations.

Conferences and exhibitions at the National Library of Qatar

The fall season will kick off on September 30 at the National Library of Qatar, which will host a conference and workshop dedicated to the history and use of the astrolabe, an ancient scientific instrument that played a vital role in astronomy and navigation. Then, on October 7, another meeting on “The History of Morocco” through the library’s archives will explore the country’s rich past.

On November 6, the National Library will present an exhibition dedicated to the evolution of the book in Morocco, testifying to the importance of written culture in the development of the kingdom. A week later, on November 13, a conference on “The Qarawiyyin Library”, one of the oldest libraries in the world located in Fez, will enrich the cultural program.

Focus on Moroccan cinema

Cinema plays an important role in this fall program. The Doha Film Institute will host an event entitled “Mosaics of Morocco: Film Screening” from October 10 to 12, where four contemporary Moroccan works will be in the spotlight: “House in the Fields” by Taha Hadid, “MICA” by Ismaël Ferroukhi, “Fragments from Heaven” by Adnane Baraka, and “Indivision” by Leila Kilani. This initiative will highlight the dynamism of Moroccan cinema and offer Qatari audiences a glimpse of the diversity of themes and styles addressed by the kingdom’s filmmakers.

For its part, the Ajyal Film Festival will celebrate, from November 16 to 23, the cultural year through a series of Moroccan short films, allowing to explore the emerging talents of Moroccan cinema.

Morocco in the spotlight in Doha

The “Years of Culture” initiative also aims to introduce Moroccan heritage to Qataris. The Museum of Islamic Art in Doha will host the exhibition “Splendors of the Atlas: A Journey through Morocco’s Heritage” from November 2 to March 8. The exhibition will feature over 200 objects, including artifacts, manuscripts, instruments, jewelry, and photographs, providing an insight into Morocco’s cultural and historical richness.

In the same museum, “Ektashif: Morocco” will be held from November to February. This project will highlight the works of seven Qatari artists who participated in an educational trip to Marrakech as part of the cultural initiative. These artistic creations will reveal the Qatari artists’ vision of Morocco and their experiences during this trip.

Literature, photography and music in the spotlight

The Katara Cultural Village in Doha will host the Katara Festival for the Arabic Novel from October 13 to 20. Moroccan novelist Tuhami Al-Wazzani will be honored as “Personality of the Year.” In addition to this recognition, the festival will feature a Book Fair and various workshops for families, highlighting the importance of literature in the cultural rapprochement between Qatar and Morocco.

The next edition of the “Photography Journey” will be marked by the participation of two Qatari photographers who will travel to Morocco from October 7 to 17. They will have the opportunity to capture landscapes and scenes of daily life across different regions of the country, thus enriching the cross-view between the two cultures.

The programme also includes musical moments, including a concert by the Qatar Philharmonic Orchestra, scheduled for 4 December. This musical performance promises to bring an additional artistic touch to this cultural season.

Morocco comes alive with exchange

In Morocco, the “Qatar-Morocco 2024” program is reflected in a series of cultural activities. The “Ajyal film club” will be held from September 20 to 22, followed by the “Marrakech short film festival” from September 27 to October 2, during which the Doha Film Institute will present short films from the “Made in Qatar” program. These cinematographic events illustrate the desire to promote Qatari cinema to the Moroccan public.

The El Jadida Horse Show, scheduled for October 1-6, will celebrate Morocco and Qatar’s shared passion for horses, strengthening cultural ties between the two countries.

Rabat will not be left out. The Moroccan capital will host the penultimate round of the Longines Show Jumping World Championship and the Global Champions Tour, from October 18 to 20. These equestrian competitions, organized in partnership with “Years of Culture”, highlight the shared interest of the two countries in equestrian sports.

An artistic exchange will also take place in October as part of the “Jedari Art” program. Three Qatari artists will travel to Rabat to collaborate with three Moroccan artists and create traveling artworks, testifying to the artistic dynamism and creativity of both countries.

Towards a shared future

The fall program will end on a high note with economic and sporting events. The “Qatar-Africa Business Forum,” held on November 16-17, will showcase the strengthening of economic relations between Qatar and Africa. In addition, the “Knowledge Transfer Event” scheduled for November and the “She Plays” women’s football tournament will highlight the two countries’ commitment to knowledge sharing and the promotion of sport.

In parallel, in the run-up to the 2030 FIFA World Cup, the Supreme Committee for Delivery and Legacy of Qatar, in collaboration with the Qatar Football Association (QFA), will organize a meeting with its Moroccan counterparts to share experiences and lessons learned from the successful organization of the 2022 World Cup.


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