Laughter and Wine for Women: three weeks of humor and reflection in and Côte-d’Or

Laughter and Wine for Women: three weeks of humor and reflection in and Côte-d’Or
Laughter and Wine for Women: three weeks of humor and reflection in Dijon and Côte-d’Or

From September 26 to October 13, 2024, and several cities in the Côte-d’Or will vibrate to the rhythm of laughter with the 5th edition of the Francophone Festival Rires et Vins au Féminin. Thirty artists from and Switzerland will take turns taking over nine venues in six cities to offer the public a delicious mix of comedy, reflection and innovation.

This festival, firmly anchored in its time, reflects the energy of female comedians who shake up the codes and offer a modern vision of the world of entertainment. Because behind each laugh, there is a thought, a reflection on our society, and above all, ” a word freed from the cages in which women artists have been locked up for too long“, as the novelist puts it Elena Ferrante : “We are obliged to demonstrate the power of our works. A power that is increasingly asserting itself and which is also profoundly changing the sensibilities of the best of men.”

From September 26 to October 13, 2024, Dijon and several cities in Côte-d’Or will vibrate to the rhythm of laughter with the 5th edition of the Francophone Festival Rires et Vins au Féminin. We reveal the program to you…

The festival program

Thursday, September 26:
8 p.m. – Feuillants Theater
The festival opens with a Opening Gala under the leadership of Charlotte Milletwhere spectators will discover the talents ofAudrey Baldassare and of Joëlle Gewolb.

Friday September 27:
8 p.m. – Darcy Comedy
Magali Gio presents his show Cabin Baggage.

8 p.m. – Saint-Apollinaire (Arnaud Bonin Room)
The duo Maud Mellé And Joëlle Gewolb In Humor is refreshing.

8 p.m. – Marsannay-la-Côte (Marsannay House)
Three female comedians come together for an evening entitled Three times funnierwith Audrey Baldassare, Marie Orsi And Marie Iturraldestill under the direction of Charlotte Millet.

9:15 p.m. – Darcy Comedy
In the front rowwith Maud Elefterakis, Agathe Gery And Alexandra Volay.

Saturday September 28:
8 p.m. – Darcy Comedy
Marie Iturralde is on display with Mousea 100% Côte-d’Or show.

8 p.m. – Sombernon (Cinema)
An evening Funny ladies with Marie Orsi And Julia Mevel.

9:15 p.m. – Darcy Comedy
Return of Maud Elefterakis, Agathe GeryAnd Alexandra Volay In In the front row for a second performance.

Wednesday October 2:
8:30 p.m. – Darcy Comedy
A unique moment with the Côte-d’Or Comedy Clubwhich welcomes the Geneva Girls in Stand-up Switzerlandwith CEL C, Hehoa, TazaraAnd Elsa Joy.

Thursday October 3:
8:30 p.m. – Darcy Comedy
Generation Z And the Côte-d’Or Comedy Club with Angie Degrolard And Mareva.

9:30 p.m. – At the Office (Place de la République, Dijon)
Bibia Dergham And Mareva invest the Comedy Club of this bar well known to the people of Dijon.

Friday October 4:
8 p.m. – Saint-Apollinaire (Tabourot des Accords Space)
I have wrinkles and I don’t give a damn about youshow under the direction of Charlotte Milletwith Bibia Dergham, Coralie MoriAnd Maud Mellé.

8 p.m. – Darcy Comedy
Nathalie Boitel in show with Heading North.

9:15 p.m. – Darcy Comedy
Emilie Deletrez explore The (in)delicate art of femininity.

Saturday October 5:
7:45 p.m. – Darcy Comedy
Heading North – God is a cashier comes back with Emilie Deletrez

8 p.m. – Chevigny-Saint-Sauveur (The Polygon)
Resolutely femininecollective show with Mareva, Angie Degrolard, Coralie MoriAnd Nathalie Boiteldirected by Charlotte Millet.

9:30 p.m. – Darcy Comedy
Bibia Dergham, Maud MelléAnd Joëlle Gewolb In I have wrinkles and I don’t give a damn about you.

Wednesday October 9:
8:30 p.m. – Darcy Comedy
As part ofPink October, Sabrina Nanni presents Ex-Uteroa moving and committed show.

Thursday October 10:
8:30 p.m. – Darcy Comedy
THE Bravos from Côte-d’Or with 50 years old and so what?of Nathalie Louis Cartoux And Coralie Mori.

8 p.m. – Restaurant “Le Crusoé” (rue de Longvic, Dijon)
A Dinner Show mixing flavors and humor with Isabelle Lefaucheur And Maud Mellé.

Friday October 11:
8 p.m. – Darcy Comedy
A nod to with the show Spatulaof Cab Cab.

8:30 p.m. – Genlis (Odeon Room)
Another representation of I have wrinkles and I don’t give a damn about youled by Charlotte Milletwith Isabelle Lefaucheur, Coralie MoriAnd Maud Mellé.

9:15 p.m. – Darcy Comedy
Very Brad Pittwith Barbara Lambert And Audrey Aguirrewill be the highlight of the evening.

Saturday October 12:
8 p.m. – Darcy Comedy
Another focus on Brittany with Isabelle Lefaucheur.

9:15 p.m. – Darcy Comedy
New representation of Very Brad Pitt by Barbara Lambert And Audrey Aguirre.

Sunday October 13:
5 p.m. – Darcy Comedy
Very Brad Pitt closes the festival in style with Barbara Lambert And Audrey Aguirre.

To reserve your places, click here (follow the link)!



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