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Gargoyles delivered to

Gargoyles delivered to
Gargoyles delivered to Paris

The Samblat transport company in Ceyrat, commune of Voutezac, was responsible for transporting the restored gargoyles of Notre-Dame de .

Last Monday, two gargoyles were delivered to the Notre-Dame construction site by the Samblat transport company in Ceyrat. They are returning from the workshops of the stone sculptor Jean-Loup Bouvier, near , who specializes in heritage restoration. Each gargoyle weighs approximately 1,100 kg.

This time the plaster models were transported with the gargoyles, but other times it was the original gargoyles or remnants with new stones that travelled to be completely remade.

Several trips

“We carry out transport for several companies working on the restoration of the cathedral (ironworkers and stonemasons, sculptors)”, explains Patrice Samblat, whose company has already transported, for this project, other gargoyles, railings and chimeras, other precious goods including recently the restored cannons from the Place des Invalides.

The association Rebâtir Notre-Dame de Paris is in charge of the reconstruction work following the fire in 2019. It has divided the sculpting operations between several specialist companies, and for the gargoyles in question, the Jean-Loup Bouvier workshop is therefore working with the Corrèze transporter.

The gargoyles of Notre-Dame have adorned the gutters of the cathedral since 1240 to project water, away from the walls of the cathedral. They take the form of fantastical animals carved in stone.

The remaining work on site for the sculptors will consist of hollowing them out and drilling them for their water evacuation function, and putting them back in place.

There are still a few gargoyles to be delivered for the end of the work and the opening to the public of Notre Dame planned for the end of the year.



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