#IciOnAgit. In the Meuse, the Night Sentinels track excessive use of lighting

#IciOnAgit. In the Meuse, the Night Sentinels track excessive use of lighting
#IciOnAgit. In the Meuse, the Night Sentinels track excessive use of lighting

Many themes addressed by the Nature Sentinels

Illegal dumping of waste, pollution of waterways, pumping of water… The reports of the Sentinels can be multiple. This network, launched in 2015, was taken over by Nature Environnement and its local branches, including the Meuse branch. “Our objective is environmental monitoring, awareness-raising and cooperation between associations,” explains Frédéric Untereiner.

After the report, ready-made sheets are made available to the sentinel to give him the first tools to act and inform the community. Objective: to report to the authorities and provide avenues to resolve the problem.

Depending on the season, certain actions are more highlighted. For example, the Sentinels of the Hedge in spring, who intervene at the time of bird nesting. Some hedges are cut and cause losses in terms of biodiversity. More recently, the problems surrounding water have required the implementation of a prevention campaign. The Sentinels of Nature therefore raise awareness on all aspects of biodiversity.



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