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Tour du Gévaudan Women – Stage 1: The reactions – News

Federica Venturelli (Italy) won this Saturday the 1st stage of the Tour du Gévaudan Women, third round of the Women’s Junior Nations Cup (see ranking). After 76 kilometers between Mende and Montée Jalabert, she was ahead of Julie Bego (Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes) and Xaydee Van Sinaey (Team Rytger Development). At the same time, Federica Venturelli becomes the first leader of the event.

Find below the reactions collected by DirectVelo.

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Portrait of Xaydee VAN SINAEY

3rd at 10″

“It was a good race even though I ran a little behind. Despite everything, I was still present all the time in front of the important moments, whether on the first or the second climb. For the last climb, I was not at the front on foot, but as the climb progressed, I picked up some girls and came back close to the leading duo. I am very happy with my 3rd place.

It was a tough climb, but I’m enjoying it. When it’s longer and less steep, the girls manage to hang on. Here, the strongest are in front. I loved. I’m not sure what tomorrow looks like, but I think it’s going to be a bit like today. I will do my best to be in front and finish as high as possible”.

Portrait of Emma COMTE

6th at 33″

“It’s a bit of a shame because we came to win. We finished 2nd but I think the winner (Federica Venturelli) was stronger. At the start of the climb, Julie (Bego) printed a fairly fast train. I was on her wheel, I broke at one point and the Italian jumped on her wheel right away. I followed but after a while it is done on the pedal. I was pretty good, but with the heat it was complicated. I was with the Canadian (Isabella Holmgren) and Cat Ferguson. The Canadian left and a Belgian came back up (Xaydee Van Sinaey). I couldn’t take his wheel and was beaten in the sprint at the end by Ferguson.

It’s nice to have a Nations Cup that is climbing. This is where I feel the best. I had already liked this race last year, I improved this year on the placement, so I saved energy for the final. I trained a little in the mountains. We will try tomorrow, we will do our best to achieve the best possible stage”.

Portrait of Léane TABU

7th at 47″

“I’m happy because I’m J1, it’s my first Nations Cup. It’s nice especially with a difficult course like that. I didn’t expect to be so comfortable, I was hoping for a good place but I’m very happy to finish 7th. At first, I managed to place myself well. There were some movements in the peloton, it made me go back two or three times. Then I focused on staying in the top 20. I managed to switch with the best, in the first five to approach the descent well and not to make too much effort. To go back to Mende, a girl left, it wasn’t going too well, so I attacked to relaunch. The Germans and the Italians rolled, it came back. I let them make the effort to save me for the last climb. I paid attention to my position in Mende to attack the climb as best as possible.

We did an internship with the Pôle to better prepare Gévaudan. Apparently it paid off. Tomorrow I will do my best to keep my place. So far, my season is going well, I got good places, like last week with the girls from the Valley, since we won the Chrono 47”.

Portrait of Titia RYO

16th at 1’50” – our picture

“There is not too much disappointment for me. I had set myself a Top 10, but I am in my place. I still have a bit of work to be in the 10 or 5. This year, the level is very high, more than last year. It never disconnected, it went up super fast on the first climb. I think I had a good race, I was in the bumps and in the lead in the bumps. I couldn’t give more.

I was at the internship, I prepared it. I don’t feel in top form yet, but I think I’m getting very close. It’s one of my first goals so I’m happy. I really liked tomorrow’s stage, last year. I’m not the best in the sprint but I manage to place myself quite a bit. We have carte blanche and we can still do great things. I do the shopping by feeling, so we’ll see how the legs are compared to today”.



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