The attack had shocked India. Following the stabbing of Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan, 54, last Thursday, a man has been arrested, Mumbai police reported on Sunday.
“A foreign national accused of burglary and assault against a Bollywood actor in his residence in Bandra (a suburb of Mumbai, Editor’s note) was arrested in Thane”, in the north of the metropolis, the authorities wrote in a press release.
Police said the man was a Bangladeshi national and was on Indian soil illegally. His lawyer denied this, assuring that he did not come from Bangladesh and speaking of a “set-up”, reports the BBC.
The accused allegedly worked for six months in a cleaning company under a false identity before committing this attack. According to local newspapers, he was taken into custody on Sunday. Other individuals were arrested in the days following the attack, recalls Reuters, which nevertheless describes the man arrested on Sunday as the “main suspect”.
-The actor “out of danger”
A man entered the actor’s residence during the night from Wednesday to Thursday with the aim, a priori, of stealing money or valuable objects. A cleaning lady had raised the alarm.
Actor Saif Ali Khan tried to intervene but was stabbed by the intruder six times and shot in the spine, neck and hands. He was then taken to hospital and is currently “out of danger”.
An employee of the house was also injured by the burglar. All other “family members are safe,” police said.