On Monday, January 13, Arcom finally unveiled the new numbering of TNT which will take effect next June. The France Télévisions group is a particular winner, since France 4 will move from channel 14 to channel 4, to succeed Canal+ which has chosen to leave TNT. As for Franceinfo, it joins a new division which brings together all the continuous news channels.
TNT: France Télévisions welcomes a “historic decision“
Just like LCI, Franceinfo climbs eleven ranks and lands on channel 16! “It’s a historic decision, I think I’m going to play a lotto grid with the 4 and the 16! (…) This decision will strengthen our power and strengthen our visibility. But Arcom above all sought a balance. The big winner is the viewer“, enthuses in La Tribune Dimanche Delphine Ernotte Cunci, the president of France Télévisions, who hopes that this gain in visibility will be favorable to the audiences of the public service news channel.
Delphine Ernotte does not approve of BFMTV’s editorial line
“But the audience is not our main driver“, adds the president of the audiovisual group, before tackling certain news channels competing with Franceinfo which, according to her, are clearly in a race for ratings to the detriment of the quality of the content broadcast on air. “We are not going to lose our soul by creating clashes, buzz and dirty news stories! At the time of the Palmade affair, I found the ‘deluge’ that there was on certain news channels truly obscene. So, yes, at that time, we had fewer viewers, but we accept it“, declares Delphine Ernotte. This should not bring a smile to the face of BFMTV which, in fact, publicly contested last Tuesday the new numbering of TNT, judging it “contrary to the interest of the public (…) the vast majority of whom want the minimum change in their habits linked to numbering“. While new channels are favored over RMC Story or RMC Découverte, the group “is currently examining possible avenues of appeal on these decisions“…