the essential
The theater installed near the abbey church has succeeded in establishing links with the public and new partners. Result of rigorous management and continued programming.
The volunteers’ New Year’s Eve continued until 6 a.m. at the Scenophage. “In a Spanish hostel, with 40 volunteers. Only happiness,” summarizes Philippe Caillau, the president of the board of directors of the theater located in Petite Rue Saint-Micheel, in the shadow of the abbey church.
A “cellar”, in the spirit of the theaters of large cities, where the “Full Moon Scenes”, every month, are increasingly successful, not only because access is free. To attend these scenes open to amateurs (two thirds) as well as professionals, you even have to book: January is full, February will be soon.
We are already registering the public for March. Faced with the enthusiasm, Philippe Caillau and his team decided to show recognition to those who dare to take on the stage. “From June until August, we will set up a “springboard stage” with Anacrouz.”
The association set up by Isabelle Saura in La Crouzetterie can accommodate 250 people outdoors. The Scenophage volunteers – neutral – will form the jury. “By the end of May, we will select six amateur artists, three from the theater in the broad sense, three musicians. They will be offered 30 minutes of stage time at Anacrouz and a video of their performance that they can show to show producers.
The Scenophagus, as has been said, came close to the precipice. It owes its survival to a team of enthusiasts who spared neither their time nor their elbow grease. This work, the monitoring of the programming, the response from the public have earned them financial recognition in the form of subsidies from the city (€1,000), from the Department (750) and from private sponsorship (the Albigensian company Maylis 1,000 €) and the State (€4,000). Philippe Caillaud is not showing off, however. Financial visibility is ensured for this financial year, until August 31. Afterwards ? Other partners are emerging, such as the local brewer La Berlue.
The Scenophage’s strategy is simple: do not leave any slate to the communities, pay the artists (they receive 60% of the entries) and make a pot to possibly supplement the fee (modest) if the entries are few in number. You would also need to purchase a stage mat. “But it’s expensive: €800” says Philippe Caillau. A remark that says a lot about the financial resources of the theater.
The most expensive would be the acquisition of four projectors and porticos (€3,000). Associations support the Scenophage: Paroles de Femmes, the Montessori School, R’d’Autan radio. In 2024, the Scenophage became a producer and established links with the University: his project was one of five selected for a university course in the show. The theater office is therefore the guardian of three Champollion students who are working on the script but also the financial feasibility and the distribution vectors.
Mike Bureaux (Compagnie Ktalop) is writing the show with them: it should be validated in May. The Scenophagus has become visible beyond its porte cochère and credible to the public and institutions.