The actor reveals the amount of his pension “The viewers will also be very surprised”

The actor reveals the amount of his pension “The viewers will also be very surprised”
The actor reveals the amount of his pension “The viewers will also be very surprised”

In the program Chez Jordan on C8, Pierre Arditi answered the journalist’s questions. As always, it was about money and salary. The 79-year-old actor played the game by revealing the amount of his pension. We tell you everything.

Born on 1is December 1944 in Paris 6thPierre Arditi comes from a family of actors. His father worked as a theatre designer and his three sisters are also actresses. Off the stage, Pierre Arditi is a actor and television. He was one of the favorite actors of director Alain Resnais who directed him about ten times. Thanks to him, he won two Césars for Melo and for Smoking/No Smoking. After such a long career, how much does the actor get as a pension? Pierre Arditi answered this question At Jordan’s not long ago.

A revelation that surprises

Guest at Jordan’s

Jordan Deluxe usually receives on the set of his show At Jordan’sof the French personalities who agree to confide without taboo whatever the subject raised. Not long ago, it was the famous french actor Pierre Arditi who responded to the invitation of the C8 channel and its host. A meeting that caught the attention of the media.

Health concerns raised

Last year, the actor suffered discomfort on stage which had deeply worried his fans. He had also had to cancel representations to rest. Pierre Arditi had already mentioned this subject last March during his appearance on the show In aside. He had wanted to reassure the public about his state of health. The 79-year-old actor said that he is doing very well and that he no longer stands very straight. He added that this has nothing to do with an illness that he had previously had.

His career too

During the interview, the journalist wanted to know more about the actor’s earnings. He asked him which role was the most lucrative for him. According to Pierre Arditi, whose comments were relayed on the Capital website, the role that brought him the most money was that of Yvan in the play Art by Yasmina Reza. He was to play a man who worked in textiles before retraining as a paper mill worker. Although he was uncertain and tormented, he did his best to avoid conflicts. For this role in the theaterthe almost octogenarian actor received 2000 euros per performance.

How much does Pierre Arditi receive as a pension?

Not what you think!

To the question: how much did Pierre Arditi receive as a pension during his appearance on C8 at the end of last June, the actor replied “Viewers will also be very surprised”. After speaking about his the course of lifehis family life, his successes and failures both professionally and personally, the famous actor and man of the theatre preferred to play the game by revealing the amount.

4500 euros every month!

Pierre Arditi declares to have worked for 60 years. With all this experience, the famous actor is expected to have a very comfortable retirement. He confided on the set of At Jordan’s that with his two pensions combinedonce he has paid his taxes, he receives an average of 4,500 euros every month, much more than an ideal amount to live well in retirement. In other words, contrary to what one might think, he does not receive 12,000 or even 20,000 euros every month.

An honorable retirement

According to almost octogenarianhaving 4500 euros of retirement every month is an honorable amount for a person who will have worked 60 years like him and that many people would be delighted with his situation. Indeed, in France, it is difficult to receive this amount every month. Some celebrities as the singer Sheila had also confided that they had difficulty making ends meet with what they received.



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