Rapper Moha La Squale on trial in Paris for violence against former girlfriends

Rapper Moha La Squale on trial in Paris for violence against former girlfriends
Rapper Moha La Squale on trial in Paris for violence against former girlfriends

From this Tuesday, July 2, 2024 and until Friday, Moha La Squale is being tried by the Paris judicial court for acts of violence, death threats and the kidnapping of several former partners.

Accused by at least six ex-partners

The rapper, a revelation of the year 2018, was indicted in June 2021 for sexual assault and violence against former partners. In July 2022, he was also indicted for rape, a criminal charge, against another ex-partner. At least six women have filed complaints against the artist, a source close to the investigation told theAFPThe investigating judge in charge of this case ultimately did not retain the facts of sexual assault and rape, indicates the Parisian .

“I have never, EVER, laid a hand on a woman. This plot was perpetuated to harm me,” he defended himself in April 2021 on Twitter.

Arrested in Germany in January

The 28-year-old artist, whose real name is Mohamed Bellhamed, was arrested on a European arrest warrant on January 31 in Germany, on the border with Poland. Moha La Squale had been on the run for several weeks. He had gone to Germany while he was required to comply with a house arrest under electronic surveillance linked to his indictment in Paris. He was then placed in pretrial detention.



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