Schoolchildren from Sénas have buried a time capsule to be opened… in 2054!

Schoolchildren from Sénas have buried a time capsule to be opened… in 2054!
Schoolchildren from Sénas have buried a time capsule to be opened… in 2054!

It is not clear whether it was the teachers, the supervisors or the children of the Jean-Moulin 2 school in Sénas who were the happiest to sing the song in unison. Another world by the group Téléphone, last Friday, June 21. A joyful song for a beautiful conclusion which in any case perfectly symbolized the highlighting of two major educational projects of the past school year.

First, the time capsule that the children buried not far from the school’s vegetable gardens: each class, each child, having taken care to place letters, drawings, Pokemon cards, marbles there.because I haven’t played it much this year“, admits a child, class photos…

We decided to leave objects, photos, texts that are symbols of recent times. Something that best represents this year, for our class. The goal of this approach, of this educational project, was to make a capsule for the future students of 2054“, explains Marine Desbordes, the school’s director. A way for these future children to discover the daily life of those who learned here, 30 years before them.

The director also returned to the events which have marked the children in recent years.The current generation has been weakened by the Covid crisis, the war in Ukraine, climate change and its consequences. What will life be like in 30 years, what will remain of this era? “She leaves the question hanging and speaks of an excellent tool for introspection that can help us become aware of the changes that take place within us through the passage of time.

An idea from the student delegates

Before that, children and parents were able to discover a magnificent fresco on the theme of nature. It includes a lot of greenery, bringing nature to the school, on a passing wall. It also pays tribute to the two artists Sylvie and Mathilde who were interviewed, for the occasion, by two students from the school.We were inspired by a whole range of things. From our imagination, to internet inspirations, from cartoons, for flowers, for animals.“, they confide, while specifying that it was difficult to start with the drawings since the children then took care of the colors.

We nevertheless had a color chart, bright colors to guide them. The result is truly magnificent.“The idea for this fresco came from the student delegates, spokespersons for their classmates. It reflects their desire to bring color to the school and to participate in a cooperative project.

It is also an illustration of great coordination between the artists, the school and the technical services of the city, of the academic inspection which after having validated this project costing €2,000, financed half of it, the remaining €1,000 being provided by the school cooperative.

The mayor, Philippe Ginoux, will have the final word.You had a wonderful idea, Madam Director. This school is over 150 years old. It is our role to pass on knowledge, it is a difficult task but it is important to know where we come from to know where we are going.“, he said before mentioning “the need for rooting in the earth to rise“.

We could also add, as in the song, “the dream of a less down-to-earth land, very round, of a moon so blond…”



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