Gourdon. Three simultaneous exhibitions on ocean life

Gourdon. Three simultaneous exhibitions on ocean life
Gourdon. Three simultaneous exhibitions on ocean life

A great saga awaits the public in Gourdon and Le Vigan from Saturday July 13 to Sunday July 28: “Corals and Abysses, splendor and fragility of marine biodiversity”, a large-scale cultural event bringing together studies, breathtaking photographs, reports, videos, virtual trips, conferences and more.

Alain Boudou, professor of environmental sciences (aquatic ecotoxicology), honorary president of the University of Bordeaux, creator and organizer of the event, had last year initiated a cycle called “Together, let’s explore and protect biodiversity” planned over four years. 2023 saw, in Vigan, the first part devoted to the Amazon.

Alain has achieved a masterstroke: carrying out his project in 2024 in the Bourian territory, so his exploration of the planet will reach and raise awareness of respect for biodiversity among a greater number of people. It is with the participation of members of the Le Vigan Culture and Animations association, the Gourdon Cultural Animation Committee, the Lions Club, the Pays de Gourdon Tourist Office, the intercommunal library and the Digital Center of the Quercy-Bouriane Community of Communes, that this knowledge of the marine world is offered to you.

The primary objective of these exhibitions is, using diverse and high-quality media, to highlight the essential role played by fundamental and applied research in order, on the one hand, to analyze and understand the mechanisms involved, and, on the other hand, to develop strategies for restoring the quality of environments and, at the same time, safeguarding communities of living beings.

These are three exhibitions which will allow you to discover breathtaking images of ocean life, an abyssal trench dive, coral reefs and their biotope, but also the elements to understand the fragility and the need to preserve ocean life thanks to studies carried out.

A fascinating world that you cannot miss, which is aimed at all audiences, especially the youngest, because they are the ones who will take on the challenges of tomorrow.



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