Moissac. Dance and songs at the Grains Dorés nursing home

Moissac. Dance and songs at the Grains Dorés nursing home
Moissac. Dance and songs at the Grains Dorés nursing home

the essential
Friday June 28, residents of the Grains Dorés nursing home had the pleasure of welcoming the Évasion Danse association for an afternoon of festive relaxation.

The room is full, the elders of the Grains Dorés nursing home are impatiently awaiting the show programmed by the host Aurélie. “We are a group of grannies who have known each other for a long time and who have only one claim: to bring pleasure, with shows that we produce voluntarily in retirement homes, hospitals, nursing homes” explains , Marie-Paule who creates the choreographies. “We are from Castelsarrasin and rehearse every Monday at the Flamens gymnasium to develop our shows and relax among retirees” explains Marie-Paule with a smile. They are, in fact, between 63 years old for the youngest and 87 years old, but age has not altered their vitality. Light legs and a sense of rhythm, they enjoy dancing, charleston, country, paso, samba, all in costume, one for each dance. While these ladies change outfits, it is Isabelle who takes the microphone and sings with her deep and velvety voice songs whose elders happily repeat the refrains, Bambino, Froufrou, les amants de Saint-Jean, Domino and many others. ‘others. Isabelle holds the microphone to the right towards a resident, then to the left, she jumps, kneels, leaps, spins. What energy! The spectators applaud, as do their visitors, who are as surprised as they are delighted.

At the Grains Dorés Ehpad, this is the second edition of this show. “Last year, we brought them in and given their unqualified success, we renewed them. They are prodigious and arouse so much joy among our residents” explains Aurélie, the host who ensures the smooth running of the show and the well-being of be elders. The room is also very full and not a single spectator closes their eyes, no one gives any sign of dozing off, the entertainment has captured everyone’s attention. “These costume changes are attractive, which are perfectly chosen and very festive,” underlines Catherine, who has come to visit her mother and who happily attends the show.

Coincidentally, it’s Paulette’s birthday. “I’m 87 years old today,” breathes the intimidated octogenarian. One more reason for the ladies of Évasion Danse to party. They attract Paulette onto the track and Aurélie does not hesitate for a second, her arms outstretched towards Paulette, she makes her waltz under the applause. Paulette’s face is beaming. She smiles at her friends at the nursing home. She willingly shares her happiness with everyone. Paulette has energy to offer, she sings with Isabelle, the dancers lead her in their samba steps and the eldest lets herself be led. She’s in heaven! We wish him many more happy birthdays like this one.



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