A play to pay tribute to mothers at the Dany cinema-theater in Mallemort

A play to pay tribute to mothers at the Dany cinema-theater in Mallemort
A play to pay tribute to mothers at the Dany cinema-theater in Mallemort

When we discovered the name of the troupe, Malle died laughing… or not, we began to know a little bit where we were going, but when we met Audrey Peloufette, her stage name, we were not really disappointed either.

The Dany cinema-theater is hosting an original show this Sunday evening at 8:30 p.m. The mothers, directed by Amandine Flé and written by Audrey Peloufette. The latter tells the genesis of the piece and its journey to Provence. Encounter.

Can you tell us more about this piece which seems rather original?

We are in the depths of the Ardèche forest and four mothers are taking a mother point recovery course! They are supervised by a rather original course leader. They will ultimately experience quite a few adventures together.

We are between real moments of lightness and flaws, specific to each mother. We go from laughter to tears, to madness, to darker moments, with mothers who are all a little bit like us. I wrote it especially for our theater workshop, I submitted it to Amandine and we worked together.

What is your theatrical background?

I did theater when I was little. I have been a member of Bafouille de France, which offers theatrical improvisation at Salon, for several years now. At the same time, I take theater classes in Mallemort, the town where I have lived for around ten years.



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