Alice and Florian (Married at First Sight) still don’t live together, here’s why!

Alice and Florian (Married at First Sight) still don’t live together, here’s why!
Alice and Florian (Married at First Sight) still don’t live together, here’s why!

Despite the love that unites them and the months that pass, Alice and Florian have still not decided to live together. What is holding them back? The couple lifted the veil during a live on Instagram this Monday, July 1, 2024.

Screenshot Married at first sight / M6

But what are they waiting for?! They love each other, they are beautiful, close, but tired of the distance that separates them. So what are Alice and Florian waiting for to move in together? This is the question that came up most often yesterday, Monday July 1, 2024, during their live on Instagram. The couple, who met on the set of Married at first sight season 8, took part in a question and answer game with Internet users.

What separates Florian and Alice (Married at first sight)

We’ve been talking about it for a while. At the moment, we were a bit in the thick of things with the broadcast, our respective jobs and everything else that goes on. The idea is to really take the time during the holidays and to succeed in making a decision in order to know what we’re doing at the end of the holidays, so at the end of the summer.” assured Florian. Monsieur works in construction and lives in Gironde, Madame is in perfumery and lives in Charente-Maritime. Between the two, the Gironde estuary. The couple then explains that it would be enough, as Internet users suggest, to take the ferry (a shuttle boat) to cross and meet up. It would be so simple. But their respective schedules do not allow it.

What future for Florian and Alice (MAPR)?

“We’re a little bit bothered on that side today. Many could have kept their jobs and simply taken the baccalaureate, like we did, except that there are still hours. Personally, the hours don’t work with my work,” explains the 31-year-old perfume manager first. And Florian adds: “She often does the closing times so there is no ferry at that time, and in the morning I [pars] early enough and it’s the same, it doesn’t match.” Also, the couple can only meet one or two days a week. “And that’s a little bit complicated, that’s why we have to make a decision before the end of the summer,” Florian supports. The idea would therefore be that in the relatively near future, Alice leaves her job to join Florian on the other side of the estuary. Because one thing is certain, just like Tracy and Flo, the other couple of the season, love is still very much present between these two. Besides, don’t they say that love gives you wings?



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