The Bichoiseries campsite: a unique decor and welcome conviviality

The Bichoiseries campsite: a unique decor and welcome conviviality
The Bichoiseries campsite: a unique decor and welcome conviviality


Nicolas Segura

Published on

June 29, 2024 at 6:44 p.m.

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The Bichoiseries festival is musique, but not only. Around the castle at the top of Mont de Cerisy-Belle-Étoile (Orne), fans of camping gather in their tents or caravans to spend the night from Friday to Saturday.

A natural setting

This Saturday, June 29, 2024, after a good night of partying, the campers wait, waiting for the early eveningand in particular the Asian Dub Foundation concert.

Everyone agrees that the site is of high quality. “We can breathe! » say Léo and Guillain.

The campers came with family or friends to Cerisy-Belle-Étoile (Orne). ©L’Orne Combattante

” We are in wilderness we like it,” confirm Laurine and Delphine, for their part.

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It is true that a campsite at this place, on the Mont, is a breath of fresh air welcome, between two lively concerts.

A festival on a human scale

What is also nice, according to festival-goers, is the human sideof this event. “We can walk around peacefully without being crowded,” say Laurine and Delphine.

A “friendly” place, according to campers. And unlike the stereotypes , “it’s not just young people! »

Laurine and Delphine are at the Bichoiseries festival together for the first time. ©L’Orne Combattante

As a result, many people from Orne or neighboring departments come to invest in the campsite, to enjoy a family weekend: “Everyone knows each other,” assures Illand. “There are colleagues, amisor family.”

Below, a slideshow will allow you to see the camperswho are waiting for the second evening with firm footing!

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