“I don’t know at all how people do it…”: Mathieu Kassovitz faced with big financial problems

“I don’t know at all how people do it…”: Mathieu Kassovitz faced with big financial problems
“I don’t know at all how people do it…”: Mathieu Kassovitz faced with big financial problems

As is the case for most of the personalities invited to speak in the media over the past two weeks, the subject of politics inevitably comes up in the conversation after a while. Guest of Darius Rochebin’s 8 p.m. show on LCI on Saturday June 22, Mathieu Kassovitz gave his opinion on the next legislative elections and a possible victory for the National Rally (RN), the far-right party, led by Marine Le Pen. The 56-year-old actor, whose 3 children are educated in a school with a very rarely seen principle, affirms that this party has “perhaps its place in France” even if he indicates that he is “all heart” with people who would oppose him. “I have always been a little waiting for the arrival of the FN to see what the real reaction of the French is”he specifies.

“Are we really the true country of human rights or have we become something else? It’s also interesting because maybe we have become something else and we need to accept that too (…) Maybe the FN has its place in France and maybe they will do a better job. Maybe it’s an experiment to try. We’ll never know who we are. if we haven’t gone through that stage”adds Mathieu Kassovitz, victim of sexual assault in his youth, who made a lot of talk about him with his comments.

Mathieu Kassovitz complains about the price of gas and gasoline

In this same interview, Vincent Cassel’s great friend also spoke about his personal situation, he who is having a very successful career in cinema and television. If his successes are numerous and his lifestyle consistent, the man whose daughters are confronted with men with inappropriate behavior has made some confidences that are surprising to say the least: “Moi, I earn a lot of money, I can’t get by. I don’t know at all how people do it (…) The price of electricity, the price of gas, gasoline… Everything is expensivebut I don’t think it’s a French problem. I think it’s an international problem.”says Mathieu Kassovitz, who is clearly unable to make ends meet despite significant income.

A new release which risks making noise from the director, who recently settled scores with another star of La Haine on social networks.



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