The Zorro series with Jean Dujardin is finally showing itself!

The Zorro series with Jean Dujardin is finally showing itself!
The Zorro series with Jean Dujardin is finally showing itself!

Another swashbuckling production! The genre that seemed to have fallen into disuse is making a strong comeback, and not just in the cinema. After The three Musketeers, it’s another iconic pop culture character getting a remake. Jean Dujardin is starring in Zorro, a new series dedicated to Don Diego de la Vega.

Exit the young and dashing hero, it will be about telling him 20 years after hanging up his suit. In 1821, he was became mayor of his beloved city of Los Angeles and intends to make it prosper. But the municipality is facing financial problems due to the greed of a local businessman. Diego has no choice but to call on his double. But juggling his two lives is not easy, especially when his wife has no idea of ​​his secret. Can Diego save his marriage and his sanity amid the chaos?

Between comedy and adventure story, Zorro should be an opportunity to rediscover the imagination of Johnston McCulley. Born in 1919 in the illustrated gazette All-Story Weekly, the character has since appeared in many small and big screen productions. Its most famous iteration remains the 1957 series worn by Guy Williams. The production of Paramount+ seems to be taking a slightly different route, making parody takes pride of place. The OSS 117 performer could have here a new opportunity to demonstrate his comedic talent. Exaggerated sound design, sense of repartee, no doubt, Zorro won’t be that serious. It remains to be seen whether the public will take a liking to this new version of the masked vigilante.

In September on Paramount+

By press release, Paramount+ formalizes the imminent launch of this new series. The appointment is made for September 6 next via the American platform. This is a major project for the company and the French public service. The two entities intend to offer this rereading of Zorro on the European market in the coming months. Besides Jean Dujardin, the creation by Benjamin Charbit (Under control) invite Audrey Dana, Salvatore Ficarra, André Dussollier, Eric Elmosnino and Grégory Gadebois. Jean-Baptiste Saurel (Parallels) and Emilie Noblet (The 7 lives of Léa) are responsible for the production of the eight episodes which constitute this first salvo.

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