Jean-Luc Mélenchon: Cyril Hanouna reveals a big secret live, “it quickly got out of hand”

Jean-Luc Mélenchon: Cyril Hanouna reveals a big secret live, “it quickly got out of hand”
Jean-Luc Mélenchon: Cyril Hanouna reveals a big secret live, “it quickly got out of hand”

The show We walk on the head began on June 17. It was set up with the aim of having Cyril Hanouna and his usual TPMP columnists decipher political news before the European elections. For two weeks, they received a number of guests, including Eric Zemmour, Marion Maréchal, Eric Ciotti and Léon Desfontaines. The first round of the European elections taking place this Sunday, June 30, the show is ending.

The C8 star had put in place great measures to celebrate his departure as it should be. True to his reputation, he notably dropped a bomb about Jean-Luc Mélenchon, with whom he had an altercation some time ago.

Cyril Hanouna: “The LFI, they drove me crazy!”

Despite the many detractors and Arcom’s warnings about the show’s lack of pluralism, a listener called on air to thank the host live. He congratulated him
“to make both the right and the left speak as the elections approach”This listener considered that it was “not the fault” of the person concerned if “certain politicians” did not agree to participate in the show.

Cyril Hanouna approved. He even completed with an anecdote about Jean-Luc Mélenchon. “It is [le] receive on a show that I was doing on C8 live for the presidential elections. I’ll tell you, the LFI, they drove me crazy! I’ve never had so many problems”he swore.

“And there, I call Jean-Luc Mélenchon”

According to him, the far-left party’s communications team had a lot of demands in terms of topics, audience, and even columnists. For example, they didn’t want Éric Naulleau on set. “It was hell. Until, I’ll tell you, at 4:30 p.m., they asked me for something new, and then I called Jean-Luc Mélenchon (…) and things quickly got out of hand. »

The presenter said that he had finally asked the founder of La France Insoumise to “stay at home”. “There will be no face to Baba, you stay at home”he allegedly told him. In the end, the show went ahead anyway, but at the cost of major concessions. “My teams were forced to lock themselves in the control room because he was asking for things”said Cyril Hanouna.



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