Lupita Nyong’o and Joseph Quinn co-star in ‘Quietly: Day 1’

Lupita Nyong’o and Joseph Quinn co-star in ‘Quietly: Day 1’
Lupita Nyong’o and Joseph Quinn co-star in ‘Quietly: Day 1’

Lupita Nyong’o and Joseph Quinn managed to avoid any “cat-astrophic” experiences with their feline co-stars in the horror prequel “Quietly: Day 1.”

Neither of them were cat lovers before filming, but they emerged with a changed view of pets, at least for some of them.

“I was scared of cats when they offered me this role. I read the script and I was like, ‘I love the character, I love the universe, I love the story. But cat ?’ I didn’t want anything to do with the cat, and I had a conversation with the director. I begged him to change the animal, and he just said very politely, ‘It must be a cat,'” Nyong’o said.

After some “cat therapy,” the actress arrived on set and bravely picked up her fluffy partner and worked with him.

Luckily, British actor Quinn’s relationship with cats wasn’t as problematic.

“I wasn’t offended by them, but I’m certainly a dog man. I remember Michael (Sarnoski – director) asking me quite out of the blue, ‘Oh by the way, do you like cats?’ before I read the script I found it quite strange, but no, we bonded, me and most of the cats. he clarified.

Between feline actors Nico and Schnitzel, who were used for filming, the actors had a clear preference, but remain tight-lipped about which one they preferred. Playing against animals was not a challenge, but “another aspect, another flavor.”

“They keep things fresh. They force you to be present. You have to be in the moment when you’re working with a cat, right? Because they don’t know they’re an actor. They don’t don’t know their lines. They do what they see fit to do at that moment. So you have to be very, you have to be on your guard and react to them. a dit Nyong’o.

The film, a prequel to the 2018 box office hit “A Quiet Place” in which the world is invaded by aliens who hunt by sound, returns to the early days of the invasion when people had to figure out how to survive the ‘attack.

Nyong’o plays Sam, a New Yorker on the run, who finds new friends, including Eric (Quinn), Reuben (Alex Wolff) and Henri (Djimon Hounsou).



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