Great success for the 2024 bandas festival

Great success for the 2024 bandas festival
Great success for the 2024 bandas festival

The event kept all its promises. The 2024 Golden Warthog was awarded to the Spaniards “Los Ronceros”.

Some 6,000 people were expected and, by all accounts, they came for these two days of total jubilation in the center of the village. Truly, this 2024 edition of the Festival des Bandas has kept all its promises. With a timid start on Friday at the end of the afternoon and a real liberation when the mayor, Bernard Breil, handed over, as is the tradition every year, the key to the city to the president of the festival, Stéphane Prieto under the marquee at Place Grillères, in the presence of Chloé Danillon (departmental advisor) and Philippe Andrieu (regional advisor). The entertainment offered at that moment by the Banda de Limos (the 2023 winners) and the Men in Brass was generous and marked the start of an evening which officially ended at 2 a.m. on Saturday, but much later for various groups of partygoers.

On Saturday morning, the Fanfare Class had a brilliant launch of the day during which the three bodegas and various food stalls had the expected success, notably with the duck breast sandwiches and the immense (and succulent) paella. Nearly 220 beer barrels were dried out.

A very large team of volunteers

A success which is, in addition to the quality of the five bandas, including the Warthogs, and their infectious joy, the result of the work of a very large team of volunteers who worked to install everything on Thursday morning and dismantled everything on Sunday, despite the fatigue. A success also due to the sustained and well-coordinated action of Aurélien, the team leader of municipal staff, who also had to set up the polling stations in the village hall for the European elections. The 2024 Golden Warthog was awarded to the Spaniards “Los Ronceros” for their talent and the quality of their performance. A great weekend, perfectly managed and masterfully carried out. 2024 is a great year for the Festival. A big congratulations to everyone.



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