A Summer in Le Havre. Flying chairs adorn a corner of greenery at Porte Océane

A Summer in Le Havre. Flying chairs adorn a corner of greenery at Porte Océane
A Summer in Le Havre. Flying chairs adorn a corner of greenery at Porte Océane


Jessie Leclerc

Published on

June 22, 2024 at 12:21 p.m.

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Emmanuelle Ducrocq installed wooden chairs at the top of masts on the occasion of a Summer in Le Havre (Seine-Maritime) from June 22 to September 22, 2024. The work is entitled “Entre”.

A strategic space

The location, Porte Océane, on the triangle of lawn which joins Avenue Foch and Boulevard François 1er, is not taken at random. “It was necessary inhabit this triangular space between these major passages of mobility” indicates Gaël Charbau, artistic director of Un Été au Havre.

No one passes through the grass. The work allows you to stop at different points of view: one stands out in the sky, the other on a Perret building.

Emmanuelle Ducrocq
Artist behind the work “Entre”

For her, “Enter” unites the lower town and the upper town and raises awareness of the gap between the different neighborhoods of Le Havre.

The work “Entre” by Emmanuelle Ducrocq is made up of various flying chairs. It is visible from June 22 to September 22, 2024. (©JL/76-)
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Chairs from residents of Le Havre

The chairs were donated by residents of Le Havre and distributed by seven Fabriques, social centers in various neighborhoods of the rebuilt city.

This project is a work of memory. “The white paint is a reference to those who have left, but it is also for those to come, like a blank page to write.” The chairs are rotatable and turn in the wind. Little more, they also have a phosphorescent part visible at night.

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