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“I am a dermatologist and here is the baby product to apply to your face to have beautiful skin when you wake up”

“I am a dermatologist and here is the baby product to apply to your face to have beautiful skin when you wake up”
“I am a dermatologist and here is the baby product to apply to your face to have beautiful skin when you wake up”

An American dermatologist shares all her beauty secrets for having beautiful skin when you wake up. And one of them is surprising because it involves applying a baby product to your face.

Thanks to social networks, we can now benefit from all the advice of dermatologists without making an appointment with the doctor. Recently, a dermatologist revealed the common mistake to avoid when shaving your legs and another explained to us what ingredients a good night cream must contain.

And recently, the American dermatologist Shereene Idriss revealed to her million subscribers on Instagram her latest tips for having brighter, smoother and more radiant skin when you wake up. His first advice: “The uglier you go to bed, the prettier you will wake up.” Indeed, Doctor Shereene Idriss advises not to hesitate to smear your face before going to bed, even if it means no longer looking like much.

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An exfoliating acid mask for beautiful skin when you wake up

Glycolic acid is a precious ally to integrate into your beauty routine. “Exfoliating acids are the key to soft, fresh and similar to that of a baby”, explains Dr. Shereene Idriss. Applying glycolic acid to your skin gives a smooth and polished appearance in addition to staying well hydrated. The dermatologist therefore advises applying a large quantity to your face, neck and décolleté, like a mask.

On the other hand, glycolic acid is not suitable for all skin types. “If you are acid tolerant and don’t have sensitive skin, this mask can be a one-step nighttime routine to wake up with like-new skin. Put it on an hour before bed to wake up with the skin of your dreams.” indicates the dermatologist.

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This baby product ideal for sensitive skin

If you have rather sensitive and dry skin, it is better to stay away from glycolic acid. But don’t panic, the dermatologist also has a beauty secret for you! And it’s pretty amazing. In fact, Doctor Idriss recommends making a homemade mask with cream made from zinc oxide paste. A product that is usually used for relieve baby skin irritations, namely their red buttocks. This product is therefore ideal for repairing the skin barrier of sensitive skin and can be used as an exfoliating mask. In fact, zinc oxide “has soothing and anti-inflammatory properties”, which is perfect for repairing the protective function of the skin.

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As a final tip in this Instagram video, the dermatologist recommends not forgetting to take care of your lips. And for this, the doctor recommends first applying a light exfoliating acid and then applying a rich cream. If you tend to have chapped lips, the dermatologist recommends choosing a mild acid like mandelic acid before applying a cream.

Passionate about women’s news, Agathe has been deciphering the latest trends for aufeminin since 2022. Her favorite areas? Psychology, nutrition and well-being advice, without forgetting the tips…



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