The Quebec personalities who attended the premiere of the documentary “Je suis: Céline Dion” are troubled, moved and upset

Wordless, in shock, shaken, moved: the Quebec personalities who attended the premiere of the documentary I am: Celine Dion, Monday evening, at the Théâtre Maisonneuve at Place des Arts, are overwhelmed by the courage, vulnerability and strength of Céline Dion.

Marie-Claude Barrette cried a lot while watching the documentary. “That she agrees to show us this crisis, live, I find that it is signed by Céline Dion, who has shown us so many moments of her life. It’s uncommonly frank, honest and vulnerable. There, we understand: his strength and his suffering. It devastated me, all the grieving she has to deal with.”

Read also: We saw the documentary I am: Celine Dion: you will be blown away by the determination and courage of Céline Dion

Mario Dumont was shocked by this viewing. “I think she showed us a lot. At the same time, I understand, because it’s Céline’s personality. A vulnerability and humility to say: this is it and I’m showing it to you. The illness is hard to see. Céline is whole, courageous and tenacious.”


Very moved, singer Jeanick Fournier declared, her eyes veiled with tears: “I am speechless. I am torn with emotions, and I understand even more. We recognize her in all of this, in all her humility and in everything she always wanted to show people. She must be so relieved to have expressed it. I’m really moved. I really wish her that all the love, all that she’s projected tonight in sharing this with people all around the world, that everyone puts their energy in the same pitch for her.”


“We’re not really sure how we feel. It’s not easy to see. That Celine Dion agreed to show herself in a great moment of weakness takes a lot of courage. She has always had it and certainly always will have it, but it is not easy to take,” admitted Pierre Karl Péladeau.

The Quebec personalities who attended the premiere of the documentary “Je suis: Céline Dion” are troubled, moved and upset


“I had already seen the documentary and came away troubled. I was anticipating the moment people were going to see this, the final scene of his breakdown. She decided to expose her life, her real one, so that everyone understands and that this removes any possible doubt about her state of health, but it is hard to receive as an audience,” confided host Jean-Philippe Dion.

The Quebec personalities who attended the premiere of the documentary “Je suis: Céline Dion” are troubled, moved and upset


Comedian Christine Morency also didn’t hide the power of her emotions: “My God, I didn’t know she was going through all that. It’s something, it’s impressive. When you tasted the scene, he must miss it so much, it must be the worst craving, so it has to be serious to prevent it from rising again, that’s what we saw and it’s impressive.”

The Quebec personalities who attended the premiere of the documentary “Je suis: Céline Dion” are troubled, moved and upset


“I feel shaken, in shock, I have the impression that this is going to have this effect on everyone who watches this documentary. It hurts to watch and at the same time, I feel that there is a beautiful liberation for her,” confided singer Andréanne A. Malette.

The Quebec personalities who attended the premiere of the documentary “Je suis: Céline Dion” are troubled, moved and upset

Photo Agence QMI, Joël Lemay

“We feel shaken. It’s unsettling to see her like that, because we’ve always seen her as very strong. That’s what’s good too, to break this image of perfection and performance all the time. I can just be relieved for her that she is breaking the silence, but I admit that it is very trying,” added singer Véronique Claveau.

“I am shaken, moved, happy to see that despite all this, she keeps her sense of humor. I’m happy to see that she’s well looked after, but my God! It’s still painful to see her go through this illness. I have full compassion for her,” said the big winner of Get me out of here 2, Clodine Desrochers.

-The documentary I am: Celine Dionwhich follows the singer for a year in her daily life as she fights the symptoms of stiff person syndrome, will be available on the Amazon Prime platform from June 25.



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