these analyzes carried out by his wife Soraya in complete discretion following the tragedy

these analyzes carried out by his wife Soraya in complete discretion following the tragedy
these analyzes carried out by his wife Soraya in complete discretion following the tragedy

Kendji Girac’s partner also had to undergo medical examinations following the tragedy which almost cost the singer his life. The results of these analyzes carried out in complete discretion are not yet known…

Almost two months ago to the day, we learned that the singer Kendji Girac was hospitalized at the Bordeaux University Hospital and that he had been placed in absolute emergency after having been shot in the torso. We quickly learned that the drama had taken place in a Travelers area located in Biscarosse, where the interpreter of Color Gitano had found his community with his partner Soraya Miranda and their daughter Alba, then three years old. An investigation was opened to try to determine under what circumstances the artist could have been found so seriously injured, surrounded by his loved ones.

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Justice thus delivered a first version revealing that the singer discovered in The Voice in 2015 suffered fromalcohol addiction and that he would have threatened to commit suicide in his caravan, following a violent argument with his partner. So many details which angered several members of Kendji Girac’s artistic entourage, such as Vianney or his managers, as well as Soraya Miranda. So much so that she spoke up to reestablish her truth.

Security around Kendji Girac reinforced

In a forum given by The Parisiana month after the events, the young woman had refuted the information according to which Kendji Girac had made her “from blackmail to suicide”. “It never happened. I am categorical. He is incapable of it. I have never been angry. I was in the hospital with him, and I stayed by his side the whole time. Since his release from the hospital, we are together with our daughter, obviously”she wanted to emphasize, while several media had just reported a possible falling out between the couple which would have pushed Soraya Miranda to move away from him.

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However, although she claims to have remained at his bedside and wants to do everything to help him in his convalescence which promises to be longer than expected, Soraya Miranda is also followed by a medical team. “The mother of the family recently passed psychological analyzes to determine if she suffered from post-traumatic stress or any other after-effectslet our colleagues know New detective, June 17. They further affirm that, “For now”, “the results have not been communicated”. We also emphasize the fact that “Security around the family was reinforced after the accident” : They are constantly supervised by bodyguards and surveillance of their homes is increased”we specify.

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Kendji Girac soon back on France 2 ?

For his part, Kendji Girac remains silent. Shortly after the accident and given the media storm in which his name had been swept up, he wanted to speak openly on social networks to apologize to his public. The very popular singer promised them nothing more and there would be no new album or tour in the works. The latest one titled The School of Life dates from almost two years ago and had not met the same success as its predecessors.

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For now, we simply know that the singer had recorded a television show shortly before the tragedy. Kendji Girac himself announced it on social networks by informing his admirers that he was joining the teams of Meeting in unknown land from the airport. We obviously do not know the destination chosen by the teams of France 2nor even the broadcast date of this new entertainment issue hosted by Raphaël de Casabianca.


If writing is a pleasure, being read is even more so. Passionate about pop culture, Jonathan sets the pace in the right tone to always keep you well informed. Attracted by …



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