Doully leaves France Inter after the dismissal of Guillaume Meurice, she ends up moved to tears

Doully leaves France Inter after the dismissal of Guillaume Meurice, she ends up moved to tears
Doully leaves France Inter after the dismissal of Guillaume Meurice, she ends up moved to tears
Dailymotion screenshot Doully, here in studio 104 of Radio France, Sunday June 16, 2024.

Dailymotion screenshot

Doully, here in studio 104 of Radio France, Sunday June 16, 2024.

MEDIA – One more. The comedian Doully announced, during his column on Charline Vanhoenacker’s show, broadcast this Sunday, June 16 on France Inter, that he was also leaving the radio, thus adding himself to the long list of those who have made it even after the dismissal of Guillaume Meurice.

There you have it, as Kafka said: happiness eliminates old age. And ketamine takes away everything elseshe concluded to the laughter of the audience. Maybe it wasn’t Kafka, that’s true. It was really my last column on France Inter. »

Remarks followed by long applause. After which Doully, very moved, spoke again. “ I will miss my family terribly, honestly. It’s heartbreaking. Take care of yourself “, she said. Charline Vanhoenacker thanked her for everything “ these slices of laughter together “. “ There’s nothing going right at the moment », punctuated the host of the Great Sunday evening.

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Aymeric Lompret, GiedRé, Thomas VDB, but also the linguist Laélia Véron and before that Djamil Le Shlag… Since the announcement of the suspension of Guillaume Meurice, several of the key personalities of the France Inter show have, like Doully, slammed the station door to demonstrate their disapproval.

Charline Vanhoenacker will meet on June 22

Laurence Bibot, Anne Cahen or Akim Omiri, who are sometimes invited in The Great Sunday evening to do a sketch, did not speak on their social networks. Juliette Arnaud, present every Sunday alongside Charline Vanhoenacker, neither. Conversely, Waly Dia, who in a previous column attacked the boss of Radio France Sibyle Veil, considered that the good strategy “ if you want to piss off management » was perhaps not of « to leave ”, but rather to stay.

Will this be enough for Great Sunday evening to continue to exist? The final issue of the season is scheduled to take place on Sunday June 22. Does Charline Vanhoenacker plan to return at the start of the school year? At the time of writing, nothing has yet been announced, but the comedian advised the public to register quickly because the next show will be “ maybe the last “.

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