Montauban in scenes: Patrick Bruel had arranged to meet in seven years

the essential
Patrick Bruel concluded a very nice third evening of Montauban on stage 2024 edition, Saturday June 22, despite the rain. It was perfectly launched by Mentissa and Pierre de Maere.

He had arranged to meet them in seven years. Not quite on the same date, nor in the same weather. But as soon as the spotlights went out, the fans of the first hour began to speak out. A rock star style entrance, à la Johnny Hallyday. The thousands of courageous people, soaked to the skin and who had sometimes waited very long hours, were then on the verge of happiness.

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Between his new titles including Encore, and classics such as Au Café des délices, Patrick Bruel did not take long to make people forget the torrents of water that fell on the Jardin des Plantes.

Between classics… and current events

He also made the news by showing a video of his concert at the Versailles Opera in December 2004, where he had two Israeli and Palestinian pianists play in the introduction to his song Why not believe it… Then quoted Albert Camus – “To misname things is to add to the misfortunes of the world” – to start We’re talking about it.

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Before reading a letter from Missak Manouchian before her execution. In short, in addition to the historical songs which were covered at the top of their lungs, Patrick Bruel also and above all wanted to give himself up, to reveal himself, to commit himself in a completely assumed manner during this tour.

Pierre de Maere’s sway…

In Pierre de Maere’s texts, it is also a question of love, again and again… In a fitted and elegant black suit, perfectly polished shoes, the young 23-year-old singer appears true to himself.

Pierre de Maere, impeccable costume, swaying dance moves.

Between two swinging dance steps, he first lets out a soft voice, such particular phrasing and timbre… Before starting a much more techno-pop part leading him to jump into the audience and be carried despite the rain which redoubled in intensity!

The vocal power of Mentissa

By the time they entered the stage, the downpour was already well underway. But Mentissa, accompanied by a cello, piano and drums trio, managed to warm up the 3,000 festival-goers already present on the esplanade of the Jardin des Plantes.

Mentissa showed all her vocal power.

Sometimes powerful, sometimes delicate, the young Belgian (25 years old), revealed by The Voice, took heads and bodies to make them sway to the rhythm of her melodies and lyrics. Whether they are in English or French, intimate or not, Mentissa confirmed that she would be one of the voices to follow in the years to come.



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NEXT Valady. Jean Couet-Guichot and Gaya Wisniewski, two artists in residence within the region