Jazz pianists celebrate the music of Gabriel Fauré a century after his death – rts.ch

Jazz pianists celebrate the music of Gabriel Fauré a century after his death – rts.ch
Jazz pianists celebrate the music of Gabriel Fauré a century after his death – rts.ch

Ignoring the limits of style, jazz musicians also honor the French composer Gabriel Fauré, one hundred years after his death on November 4, 1924. Three pianists have just released records based on his classical music.

In this spring of 2024, almost a hundred years after the death of the French composer Gabriel Fauré, three records revive his memory in the jazz register: “After Fauré” by the American Brad Mehldau, “Jazz Impressions Fauré – Ravel” by the Frenchman Hervé Sellin and finally “Fauréver” by the Italian Enrico Pieranunzi.

These pianists, who also cultivate a life as classical musicians, are very well known in jazz. To construct their respective records, each of them chose a different angle. Brad Mehldau chose solo piano. Its program is made up of three nocturnals by Fauré composed at the end of his life, at the beginning of the 1920s. They are followed by four original compositions by Mehldau after Fauré. A Nocturne and a reduction of a piano quartet complete the disc.

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In the continuity of Fauré

Stylistically, Brad Mehldau’s compositions are perfectly in keeping with Fauré, while being complementary. The American pianist does not mix genres: classical pieces are played in a traditional way, without improvisation.

The French pianist Hervé Sellin has released a disc in two parts. One half is devoted to Fauré, the other to Ravel. Like Brad Mehldau, Hervé Sellin chose to play most of this record alone on the piano, arranging and improvising the material written by Fauré.

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Finally, pianist Enrico Pieranunzi chose to treat Fauré’s pieces as a trio with Diego Imbert on double bass and André Ceccarelli on drums. On certain beaches, the singer Simona Severini or the clarinetist Gabriele Mirabassi join them.

Enrico Pieranunzi, like Hervé Sellin or Brad Mehldau, does not see a gap between classical music and jazz music. For these three pianists, there is continuity and their discography shows it very well.

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Radio subject: Ivor Malherbe

Web adaptation: mh

Brad Mehldau, “After Fauré” (Nonesuch). Published on May 10, 2024.

Hervé Sellin, “Jazz Impressions Fauré – Ravel” (indéSens Calliope). Published on May 24, 2024.

Enrico Pieranunzi, André Ceccarelli, Diego Imbert, “Fauréver (A Tribute to Gabriel Fauré)” (Bonsai Music). Published on May 24, 2024.



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