“Above all, I like to advise customers”: in Morlaix, Valérie Le Scour gives clothes a second life

“Above all, I like to advise customers”: in Morlaix, Valérie Le Scour gives clothes a second life
“Above all, I like to advise customers”: in Morlaix, Valérie Le Scour gives clothes a second life

Valérie Le Scour opened her boutique at Au neuf rue du Mur in 2021. A nice play on words for a second-hand boutique! From the start, she made the choice to favor branded women’s clothing and accessories with, as a corollary, that of controlling the quantity deposited. But let’s start from the beginning.

An atypical professional career

Born in Brest in 1968, Valérie Le Scour followed a path from which she claims independence: “I worked in the hotel industry, in Paris then in Brest. In 1994, I settled in Côtes-d’Armor, where I worked in several fields, between a kitchen designer and an analysis laboratory. »

In 2002, the year of the changeover to the euro, she opened a consignment store selling clothing for women, men and children. Nine years later, she took a radical turn, becoming a veterinary assistant… Then another, with a bistro project in Locquirec. She remained in this town for the next nine years.

“I imposed my own rhythm of life”

Always having an idea and one step ahead, the merchant obviously doesn’t stop there. She then prepared to open a second-hand store. It will be Au neuf rue du Mur: “One of my best choices was to impose my own rhythm of life. So, I open Wednesday to Saturday, from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. »

This type of business, built on the principle of consignment sales, assumes a permanent flow between incoming and outgoing items. On this subject, the merchant has set a certain number of rules, from which she does not intend to deviate: “I do not receive deposits on Saturdays. I limit them to a maximum of ten branded items, and provided they are washed and ironed. Among these ten pieces, I then make my own selection and we set the price together, with a two-month contract as a result. »

However, what drives Valérie Le Scour on a daily basis is the desire and pleasure she experiences with her clients: “What I love above all is advising and guiding, especially when the no one feels bad about themselves or has low morale. I am able to spend a long time finding the pieces that “match” and that will make him happy. »

Take the time to travel

And does she know what tomorrow will bring? “I’ve traveled quite a bit, but still not enough. I’ve had some great getaways, like the one that took me from New York to South America in 1993. I was 20, I was traveling at night, by bus. I slept in it, and I saved on accommodation. In the years to come, I plan to travel around the world, but in two times. The three Americas initially, then Asia. »


At nine rue du Mur, open Wednesday to Saturday, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. continuously. Contact: tel. 02 98 62 27 00.



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