The Civray Choirs celebrate summer with an intergenerational concert

The Civray Choirs celebrate summer with an intergenerational concert
The Civray Choirs celebrate summer with an intergenerational concert

Passionate about music and singing, having herself been part of a group when she was a volunteer at the Bléré socio-cultural center, Sylvie Gailloux has been making children sing in her house in Civray-de-Touraine for ten years. The growing demand led him, in 2019, to create an association: Les Chœurs de Civray.

Since then, thanks to the loan from the Chai room, the children have been singing every Friday evening. New this year, a group of adults has been formed and rehearses after the children. So why not have children and adults sing together for a concert?

The idea germinated in Sylvie Gailloux’s head and, after the municipality’s agreement to offer free access to the village hall, a concert with a sparkling repertoire will take place on Saturday June 22. Twenty-one singers aged 11 to 86 will be on stage. For this evening, we will sing for an hour with a 20-minute intermission. The refreshment bar is the association’s only recipe. We are lucky to have DJ Théo who comes to host the evening voluntarily »explains the president.

“The Civray Choirs celebrate summer”, concert Saturday June 22, 2024 at 8 p.m. in the Jacques-Villeret hall in Civray-de-Touraine, followed by a dance evening with DJ. Free admission. Sale of snacks and refreshments. For more information and reservations: tel.



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