the bullfighter Dorian Canton hooked by his first bull, evacuated to the Mont-de-Marsan hospital

During the attack, the Béarnais matador was jostled and found himself on the ground. It was there that his opponent struck him with a horn on the cheek and right ear.

Gored in the face, the bullfighter reached the infirmary alone.

Philippe Salvat/SO

With the help of his squad, he was able to get up and leave the arena to reach the infirmary. One of them accompanied him holding a towel to his cheek. Dorian Canton was taken care of by the medical team under the direction of Doctor Mathieu Poirier. A first intervention was carried out to stop the bleeding.

Evacuated to Mont-de-Marsan

After just a few minutes, the decision was made to evacuate him to the Mont-de-Marsan hospital center. The matador left the infirmary with a huge bandage on his head. Placed on board an ambulance, he is being transferred. At the time of his evacuation, the Mont-de-Marsan operating theater was available to accommodate him; an ENT specialist was already there and waiting for him.

The medical team present in the Aire-sur-l’Adour arenas indicates: “He is doing well. He had a cut from his chin to his ear along his jaw with skin peeling. The wound is superficial, but very long. Concretely, you have to take the time to sew it up as carefully as possible. We’ll have to make lace. This represents approximately two hours of operation, the aim being to keep as few scars as possible. »

Dorian Canton was evacuated to Layné hospital.

Philippe Salvat/SO

The Aire-sur-l’Adour bullfight, interrupted during the medical intervention, resumed around 8 p.m.



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