Faouzi Derbouz, the night hiker who defies pain

Faouzi Derbouz, the night hiker who defies pain
Faouzi Derbouz, the night hiker who defies pain

He fights against paralysis of his limbs but in his wake Faouzi Derbouz offers night walks open to all to fight against the numbness of the minds. A first in Nantes for this initiative born in 2019 in Paris.

There must have been around thirty of them but the rain, persistent on this Saturday, June 15, 2024, dissuaded more than one.

Not Faouzi Derbouz who is used to getting around obstacles.

And five other brave walkers.

The meeting was set for 8:30 p.m. in front of the Chateau des Ducs de Bretagne.

And we finished at 5:30 the next morning” specifies Faouzi Derbouz, the creator of this initiative.

Between the two a 30 km route in the city of course but also on the paths which allow you to discover the city by following its four rivers of Cens, Chézine, Erdre and Loire.

I’ll tell you one thing, you’re really spoiled” confesses the Parisian with his quick and warm informality.

Because the Chézine and the Cens when you do it at night, you have trees on each side, you have the watercourse, you would really think you were in the forest” explains the Chief Night Trotter.

Each course is always different. And I assure you that what we shared during this night is simply incredible.

Faouzi Derbouz

creator of the Night Trotters

Since 2019, Faouzi Derbouz has been organizing night hikes in Paris within his club the Night Trotters

This Saturday June 15, 2024 is a first hike outside Paris.

I came to Nantes for the first time in June 2023 for scouting and I did others during this year” specifies the walker.

I do the route in the same conditions“, namely at night entirely.

Read also : In the streets of Paris, the “Night Trotters” walk until the end of the night

A feat that seems like nothing to someone who has been walking with difficulty since an accident during hospitalization.

In everyday life, I walk with a crutch” explains Faouzi Derbouz.

Originally from Picardy, he arrived in Paris at the age of 20.

In 2014 I had chronic lower back pain and following a medical error after an infiltration I found myself with nosocomial infection,” he explains.

Then I spent two and a half months in a wheelchair not knowing if I would be able to walk again.” adds Faouzi.

In 2017 this former SACEM controller learned that he now officially has the status of disabled person.

I quickly understood that there was a before and an after” he confides.

Dismissed by his company for incapacity, Faouzi is looking to bounce back.

Because I am also a stubborn person, I challenged myself. Life continued differently and my challenge was to go around Paris at night” explains Faouzi Derbouz

Why at night? The answer seems obvious to him: There are no cars, visual and noise pollution. I have always loved the night, there is a poetic side“.

There is no better way to discover a territory than to explore it at night. Take a stroll in your city at night and you will no longer see it the same way ” says Faouzi Derbouz.

The France 3 Paris Ile de France report from July 14, 2022:

It’s my sister who goes on walks in Paris from time to time with this group and as I live in Nantes, she suggested that I do it.” explains Camille, one of the Nantes walkers.

I immediately said yes, even though I’m not at all sporty.” she confides.

Despite my fear of not succeeding, I forced a little, but I managed to do it” Camille proudly admits.

And I think it’s really a great human adventure” she adds.

the courageous walkers in the Nantes rain during the first Night Trotters outside Paris

© Night Trotters

It’s true that around 2 a.m., it was quite hard. With fatigue we wanted to sleep. But I said to myself, I can’t stop at 20 km, it’s not possible” confesses Camille.

The example of Faouzi Derbouz pushes her to continue this nocturnal stroll.

I wear a corset, I have a soft corset and a rigid corset” explains Faouzi Derbouz

What I call my superhero suit. I learned to deal with” he adds

There are times when things go well. And when it gets worse, I often stay in bed for as long as possible. I put myself in pause mode, I wait for it to pass. I learned to live with my chronic pain

Faouzi Derbouz

creator of the Night Trotters club

Seeing him suffering from this pathology, I really didn’t want to stop” explains Camille.

I said to myself he must be in even more pain than me, so don’t give up, you absolutely have to continue” adds the Nantes walker.

It gives strength to see that there are people worse than you


a participant in the first Night Trotters night hike in Nantes

Reducing the Night Trotters club to a hiking club is missing the point.” concludes Faouzi Derbouz.

There is a philosophy, there is an ethics and our values ​​are sharing, solidarity, kindness” he adds.

I simply tell them it’s not a champion hike, we’re not crazy about walking. Come meet us, come and share this moment that we have in the form of an enchanted parenthesis

Faouzi Derbouz

founder of the club “Night Trotters”

Always one step ahead, the creator of the Night Trotters is planning a new stage in Nantes in the fall of 2024.

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