Concerts at Jean Cocteau in Milly-la-Forêt

Concerts at Jean Cocteau in Milly-la-Forêt
Concerts at Jean Cocteau in Milly-la-Forêt

Passing the porch of the large turreted 17th century residence, we are immediately struck by the setting before us, the one that had won over Cocteau: a large garden bordered by water and at the bottom of which the Château de la Bonde makes a strong impression, like a theater set. It is here in the open air, in place of the old vegetable garden (weather permitting), that a series of eight thematic concerts with commentary, concocted by Marc-Olivier, takes place on Saturdays from June 22 to September 14. Dupin and illustrating the poet’s taste for the music and composers of his time. It will thus be possible to listen in this bucolic setting to artists like Héloise Bertrand-Oleari (Cocteau fait son cinéma), Arnaud Marzoti (the streets of Paris), soloists from ONDIF (Cocteau myths and legends), etc.

Property of the Ile-de-France Region since 2019 and labeled “Maison des illustrious” that of Jean Cocteau, where he lived the last 17 years of his life (from 1947 to 1963) currently presents the exhibition “Take care of music “. In a labyrinth of translucent stretched canvases representing artists and composers, the route punctuated by photos and videos, invites you to discover the poet’s “musical universes”, his tastes (for modernity in particular), his friendships (the group of Six), his collaborations (Satie, Auric), the discovery of the Ballets Russes, his fascination with Nijinsky. The visit continues in the rooms where Cocteau lived (the living room, the bedroom, the office), all full of objects chosen or offered, extravagant and poetic, in the image of the poet. (NF)

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