Harry Cohiais takes the quinté, Friday in Vincennes

Harry Cohiais takes the quinté, Friday in Vincennes
Harry Cohiais takes the quinté, Friday in Vincennes

First attempt, masterstroke for Jean-Marc Poelmans. The Belgian coach signs his first victory in a quinté with his first starter. Not just any one, however, because this Harry Cohiais is an annuity on legs. Still arriving for many months, the son of Simm’s Boccador sign of the greatest feat of his career. In a race where the favorites held their place, Harry Cohiais comes to dominate on the wire Nod And Maple Chance after having constantly been at the forefront. “We won our first quinté for our first participation, as we won our first race in France for our first visit, savors Jean-Marc Poelmans on the microphone ofEquidia. We are lucky to have a horse like Harry Cohiais and we pay very close attention to it. Benjamin (Rochard) led him very well but the victory also went to Franck (Ouvrie), who is currently on vacation, but who did a good job with him while taking care to take care of him.”
Author of a remarkable end of the race and making up a lot of ground in the last 100 meters, High Propulsion takes a good fourth place ahead Hermes Ludois.

Arrival of the Tolosa Prize (Quinté+): 6 – 13 – 7 – 14 – 1



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