Agora unveils its new season

Nearly 30 shows will be given in the auditorium and on the Lamoura plain. To this will be added the representations of “Territorial Scenes” in Greater Périgueux and the department.

The opening will take place on Friday September 13 in Lamoura with a show by Olivier Debelhoir. A performance. He will rise on a wire to a height of 45 meters, followed by his father, with whom he will interact. We will continue with a tribute concert to the Gascon poet Bernard Manciet, given by the Parti Collectif of Louis Lubat. The season will continue until July 12 with another spectacular creation “Esquive”, by Gaétan Levêque with six trampolinists.

Philippe Torreton in “The Funambulist”

For “Le Funambule”, a small traditional circus setting.

Shoes Photography

Still for the circus, two major forms will particularly attract attention. On January 9 and 10, actor Philippe Torreton will perform “Le Funambule” by Jean Genet, accompanied by a real tightrope walker, Julien Posada, and by guitarist Boris Boublil. On January 16 and 17, the Petit Travers collective will present “Our interior mornings”, with eleven jugglers who will move to the rhythm of the music of the Debussy Quartet, combining the melodies of Purcell with rock sounds.

La Nuit du cirque will take place in two stages: November 15 in Boulazac, three solos by female acrobats, the next day under a big top in Nontron, “Carmen is not an opera” or memories of the Moralès family. In a more serious register, in “MEMM, In the Bad Place at the Bad Moment”, the acrobat Alice Barraud will recall with the drummer Raphaël de Pressigny, the night of the Bataclan, where she was injured.

“MMEM, In the Wrong Place at the Wrong Time”. Memories of the Bataclan drama evoked by acrobatics.

Jerome Heymans

The Grands Fourneaux company will come with its “culinary circus”, where there will actually be plenty to eat. Maroussia Diaz Verbèke will continue her research into offbeat expressions in “Circus Remake”.

The Ramallah circus school

Artist associated with the Agora, Raphaëlle Boitel will offer two shows during the same evening, on March 13 and 14: “La Petite Reine”, a short form for acrobatic bike and “Ka-In” a creation for the Acrobatic Group from Tangier.

“Ka-In”, the show by the Acrobatic Group of Tangier, directed by Raphaëlle Boitel.

“Ka-In”, the show by the Acrobatic Group of Tangier, directed by Raphaëlle Boitel.


This brings us to the international chapter. The Agora will organize a tour in France for seven students from the Ramallah circus school, the Palestinian Circus School, where Marlène Rubinelli Giordano, also associated with the Agora, led a course. They will give their show “Sarab” (Mirage) on December 6 at the Lamoura plain. and will perform in four other cities (1)

Also note “Cosmos”, a solo in the form of a ritual by Ashar Muallem, a young Franco-Palestinian acrobat and contortionist, and from Morocco, the duo “Ze3ma”, between acrobatics and popular music, in partnership with the Ôrizons festival.

(1) Auch (32), Cognac (16), Biscarrosse (40), Bagneux (92).

Festive music

Festive music will punctuate the season. In “Secret” singer Marion Rampal and pianist Pierre-François Blanchard will revisit jazz, blues, French song (with Musiques de la Nouvelle Orléans en Périgord, Mnop). Ana Carla Maza, young Cuban singer and cellist, daughter of pianist Carlos Maza, will transport to her country of origin with “Caribe”. The Barbès National Orchestra will return on June 20 (in partnership with Ôrizons).

Singer and cellist Ana-Carla Maza.

Singer and cellist Ana-Carla Maza.


Two film concerts will be on the program. One with the cellist David Chiesa who will become associate composer at the Agora for two years and the other with the Bordeaux native Antoine Boutet on urban planning issues.

On the dance side, “Fire” by Fouad Boussoul, director of the National Choreographic Center of Le Havre, will bring together 12 dancers in a trance-like atmosphere.

“Fire”, a contemporary ballet for 12 dancers.

“Fire”, a contemporary ballet for 12 dancers.

Christophe Raynaud de Lage

Finally, for the theater, we will be able to see “Gros” a solo by Matthieu Roy, which will be presented at the Didascalies, the high school theater festival, the shadow plays of Natchav and “Democracy, a show of which you could be the hero », right in the news.




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