Anny Duperey lives on a pension of 600 euros at 77 years old, but… she lives in two superb houses!

Anny Duperey lives on a pension of 600 euros at 77 years old, but… she lives in two superb houses!
Anny Duperey lives on a pension of 600 euros at 77 years old, but… she lives in two superb houses!

It is a mask which hides the faces of personalities and which arouses the curiosity of viewers eager to discover which star has donned the costume, but it sometimes also conceals the difficulties or at least the financial discomfort of the person wearing it. door. It is undoubtedly no coincidence that at the start of the year, Chantal Goya, who has just celebrated her 80th birthday and who has been plagued by money problems all her life, took part in the TF1 program. Perhaps not by chance either if Anny Duperey, who celebrates this Friday, June 28, his 77th birthdayhad also agreed to try the adventure last year… It’s that beyond the fun, the possibilities of singing or promoting a work or a show that it offers its participants, the show Mask Singer also allows to collect a welcome check

The sum is not enormous, a few thousand euros if we are to believe Passe-Partout, whose real name is André Bouchet, the famous figure from Fort Boyard who did the show last year. He was unmasked during the second bonus of the 2023 season. Afterwards, he spoke to Jordan Deluxe having won 8000 euros for this adventurein addition to his salary on the fort, of course… Money earned quickly but which will not radically change the lives of candidates like him or Anny Duperey, also eliminated after two weeks and who recently confided that she has a very low income for her retirement.

Her long career nevertheless commands respect: actress, of course, but also photographer and novelist, she is a complete artist who can still be applauded every evening at 8 p.m. on the stage of the Théâtre de Paris in Le Duplex alongside Corinne Touzet, Francis Perrin and Pascal Légitimus. An artist, capable of holding the stage as she approaches 80 and who has toured for the greatest, from Jean-Luc Godard to Alain Resnais via Yves Robert. An actress capable of shining in boulevard theater or arthouse films but also in a series like A wonderful family where she played the role of Catherine Beaumont with her partner Yves Lecoq for fifteen years, to the point that she felt she had become a bit like his wife. In short, an actress who does not lack talent and who has spared no effort throughout her career. With what result today?

“In Anny Duperey’s profession, we are often paid by the day”

The figure was shocking. those who know and appreciate Anny Duperey. In November 2022, she was invited onto the set of Jordan de Luxe. Our colleague, who was trying to find out how much the actress earned, risked a few sums so that she would answer.People say to themselves: ‘Ah Annie Duperey, we saw her on TV, she writes books. So rather a normal retirement?”, he asked, throwing out approximately the sum of 1500 euros. His host then answered him point blank: “Not even me, it’s 600 euros.Taken aback, the journalist couldn’t believe his ears. How can this artist – who has just been confronted with a violent ordeal linked to Me Too – who has worked all her life receive such a low pension?

The problem, explique Jimmy Schuman representative of the French Union of Performing Artists has Purepeople, is that in our profession, we are often paid by the day. I will give you an example, about ten years ago, Anny Duperey, since you are talking about her, made an advertisement –She has also made others since then for a hearing aid brand. I don’t know how much she earned, but probably several thousand euros per day of filming. However, the daily ceiling that social security will take will be barely higher than 200 euros. It is on this ceiling that the retirement will be based. Artists have always worked with this system. This explains why their basic pension is so low. But they also have supplementary pensions which cover more interesting sums.

This is what Anny Duperey explained to Jordan Deluxe. Certainly, she has a very low basic pension, but to this is added, she said, a “small retreat” complementary which allows him to cope better.

If we are to believe our colleagues at Point who visited her a few days ago at her home, the actress however does not live not in destitution. Far from there… “At the start of summer, they write, the little path that leads to Anny Duperey does not smell of hazelnut, but of jasmine. A cobbled alley glistening from a recent downpour, closed with bamboo fences behind which the villas are hidden of bohemian Montparnasse…“And the colleague describes the house you enter after pushing a gate: a place”solar“, “a slap in the face“. A description which suggests that Anny Duperey, who lives in this “little paradise of greenery, light and color” for forty years is not so unhappy.

Anny Duperey’s dream house in the countryside

When we know the price of a house in Paris, and even more so in the Montparnasse district, we imagine the residence to be more bourgeois, than “Bohemia“. The cheapest one we found for sale on a website specializing in this area is listed at 1.1 million euros for 115 m2, without a garden. Le Figaro had published an article in 2011 explaining that this district was “another world“. “With its rural alleys such as the Villa Alésia, where opulent houses are hidden, and its avenues lined with Haussmannian buildings, like in Denfert-Rochereau, (it) quickly established itself as the neighborhood’s hipster haunt. We meet Laetitia Casta, Mathilde Seigner, Jacques Gamblin, Anna Duperey but also Eva Joly, a regular at the Edgar-Quinet market“, wrote our colleagues.

Especially since next to this Parisian accommodation, Anny Duperey owns a house in Creuse. A home that she lived in with her former husband, now deceased, Bernard Giraudeau, alongside whom life was not always easy… “At first there was only the kitchen, in which we slept. Bernard built the rest with his own hands, both the walls and the interior. I took care of the garden. We built the house together, during the eighteen years of our history” she confided to Paris Match about this other house of happiness, a happiness that she nevertheless continues to build, at 77 years old, by the sweat of his brow.



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