A deepfake debate? Infrarouge tries the forbidden experiment – rts.ch

Can we make federal parliamentarians say anything on a television set? This is the question posed very directly by deepfakes, these hyperfakes of videos or audio files which abound on the networks. To answer this, Infrarouge tried a unique television experiment on Wednesday: a debate whose texts and images are generated by artificial intelligence.

On Wednesday, a fake Alexis Favre welcomed a fake Céline Amaudruz and a fake Samuel Bendahan to the Infrarouge set, for a 100% artificial debate.

>> See the debate generated by Artificial Intelligence:

The false debate between Céline Amaudruz and Samuel Bendahan, generated by artificial intelligence / News on video / 5 min. / yesterday at 8:30 p.m.

Like a mise en abyme, the avatars of the Geneva UDC national councilor and the Vaud national socialist councilor debated at the start of the program the colossal challenges represented by deepfakes and artificial intelligence, both in terms of information and protection of personality, security or democracy.

Three actors on set

How to regulate this technology? What safeguards? What regulation is possible? And what responsibilities for the tech giants? So many questions answered this time by real guests at the end of the experience, artificial intelligence not (yet) having the answers to everything…

Concretely, and as shown in the making-of, the complete text of the protagonists of this false debate, as well as their faces and their voices were generated by artificial intelligence, before being embedded in Infrarouge’s multi-camera system , where three actors had previously played the guests and the presenter.

>> See the making-of:

The making-of of the fake Infrarouge debate / News on video / 2 min. / yesterday at 9:30 p.m.

“There was no soul”, but “it destabilizes”

“There was no soul… The machine failed to reproduce who we are… On feeling, on human impression, someone who has this human feeling will still see the difference. But for how much time?”, the real Samuel Bendahan then reacted on the set of Infrarouge, recognizing that many textual elements were entirely credible.

“The more there was an exchange, the more I found certain expressions. It destabilizes… But we feel that there is no emotion. Whereas in a political debate, you have to share emotions,” added the real Céline Amaudruz, specifying that, regarding the comments made, she found herself completely in the text produced by artificial intelligence.




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