Matt Pokora offers himself for the Paris Olympics: Aya Nakamura fans tackle him on social networks

Matt Pokora offers himself for the Paris Olympics: Aya Nakamura fans tackle him on social networks
Matt Pokora offers himself for the Paris Olympics: Aya Nakamura fans tackle him on social networks


Editorial Strasbourg

Published on

May 26, 2024 at 5:23 p.m.

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For several days, the singer Matt Pokora is making waves on social networks. And, this did not no connection with his tour.

The 38-year-old artist actually confided to BFMTV his disappointment at not having been approached to participate in the opening night of the Paris Olympic Games. A statement which greatly caused the singer’s fans to react Aya Nakamuraexpected to sing during the ceremony.

“I think I am legitimate for this type of event”

Asked about the opening night of the Olympics, M Pokora admitted that he would have liked to sing there, but that he did not receive any offers. Adding, “I am still renowned for being the singer closest to the world of sport and the one who has been doing the biggest stage performances for 15-20 years now. I think I am legitimate for this type of event.”

An outing that was considered a tackle towards Aya Nakamura. Therefore, the artist’s fans said what they thought of the thirty-year-old and it’s pretty dirty…

Matt Pokora speaks on X to end the controversy

To end the controversyM Pokora spoke on legitimatethat she has her place there and that it’s good for her”…

A statement that does not seem sincere to Aya Nakamura fans and which therefore did not not calmed down the game. Enough to launch endless debates between the pros M Pokora and the pros Aya Nakamura.

Contacted by our editorial staff, Matt Pokora did not respond to our requests.

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